The Rover Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Rover Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Act 4, Scene 2, what aspect of "the boy's" story causes Angellica and Willmore to argue?
(a) Whether "the boy" is talking about Willmore.
(b) Whether "the boy" is talking about Pedro.
(c) Whether "the boy" is actually Hellena in disguise.
(d) Whether "the boy" is talking about Antonio.

2. What happens when Willmore comes in with Frederic and sees Belvile with Pedro and Florinda after the duel?
(a) He joins in the fight, wounding Pedro.
(b) He recognizes Belvile and greets him heartily, revealing his identity to Pedro.
(c) He recognizes Belvile and greets him heartily, revealing his identity to Florinda.
(d) He flirts with Florinda.

3. Who does Antonio tell Belvile he is as they discuss Belvile's imprisonment?
(a) The viceroy.
(b) Angellica's benefactor.
(c) The govenor's son.
(d) The viceroy's son.

4. What does Pedro say to Blunt he enters the house with Belvile and Frederic and they demand to know what Blunt is up to?
(a) He teases him for how he is dressed.
(b) He apologizes for their bad manners.
(c) He apologizes for his sister's bad manners.
(d) He is going to kill him for harming Florinda.

5. Who, disguised as a man, still hides when she sees Pedro coming her way?
(a) Valeria.
(b) Angellica.
(c) Florinda.
(d) Hellena.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Willmore use to urge Pedro to consent to the marriage between Florinda and Belvile?

2. How does Florinda react to seeing Blunt as she enters the strange house in Act 4, Scene 5?

3. What attractive woman does Willmore begin to follow as everyone heads out to the street in Act 4, Scene 3?

4. What does Blunt first tell his friends he is doing when they suddenly appear at his door in the beginning of Act 5?

5. What does Willmore wish for as the argument between himself and Angellica escalates as she accuses him of loving someone else?

(see the answer keys)

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