Roses, in the Mouth of a Lion Test | Final Test - Easy

Bushra Rehman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Roses, in the Mouth of a Lion Test | Final Test - Easy

Bushra Rehman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Bahar's baby son's name?
(a) Saad.
(b) Ayaan.
(c) Junaid.
(d) Mittoo.

2. Why does Razia have to ring the doorbell when she walks home with Taibah Aunty and finds that the door is locked?
(a) Because Razia's key is not working.
(b) Because Razia left her key at school.
(c) Because Razia does not have a key to her house.
(d) Because Taibah Aunty does not want to come inside unannounced

3. What does Taibah Aunty see at the Queensboro Plaza train station?
(a) She sees Razia dancing.
(b) She see Razia kissing Ed.
(c) She sees Angela and Razia kissing.
(d) She sees Razia and Taslima wearing mini skirts.

4. How does the Ouija board answer Raisa's question?
(a) Razia You Must Pray.
(b) Razia You Must Lie.
(c) Razia You Must Study.
(d) Razia You Must Listen.

5. Where does Razia first notice Angela?
(a) In the bodega next to Stuyvesant.
(b) At Central Park.
(c) At homeroom in school.
(d) On the bus going back to Queens.

6. Where does the ferry take Angela and Razia?
(a) Brooklyn.
(b) Bronx.
(c) New Jersey.
(d) Staten Island.

7. Who leads the Dua at the end of Quran Khani?
(a) Razia's mother.
(b) Saima.
(c) Hafiz Saab's wife.
(d) The Aunty.

8. What religion was Peter Stuyvesant?
(a) Dutch Reformed.
(b) Methodist.
(c) Adventist.
(d) Episcopalian.

9. What does Taslima want Razia to wear to Central Park?
(a) A dress with a low neckline.
(b) A chador folded to be a mini skirt.
(c) Cut-off jean shorts.
(d) High Heels.

10. What book does Angela want to get for her and Razia at Strand?
(a) Even Cowgirls get the Blues.
(b) Fangirl.
(c) In at the Deep End.
(d) Big Little Lies.

11. Where do Angela and Razia go instead of class after Ed tells his story about his pool table fight?
(a) To The Met.
(b) To Bleecker Street.
(c) To Central Park.
(d) To Union Square.

12. What high school is Saima going to attend?
(a) John Bowne.
(b) Brooklyn Technical.
(c) LaGuardia School of Music.
(d) City College High School.

13. What is written on the sign that the man, coming towards Taslima and Razia, is carrying?
(a) JESUS.

14. Where does Angela get the Ouija board?
(a) From Razia.
(b) From her dad.
(c) From Ed.
(d) From her mom.

15. What team does Taslima's mom root for in baseball?
(a) The Yankees.
(b) The Mets.
(c) The Red Sox.
(d) The Cardinals.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of nail polish is Aliza putting on when Razia comes over to Taslima and Aliza's house after using the Surprise Ask?

2. Who does Ed say that he and his friends got into a fight with?

3. Why is Razia not allowed to go to Coney Island?

4. What is Angela's nationality heritage?

5. Who does Angela think that Razia should ask out on a date?

(see the answer keys)

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