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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Traces of what were found in the farmhouse sink?
(a) Theatrical makeup.
(b) Hair dye.
(c) Chewing-tobacco saliva.
(d) Blood.
2. Who asks Cross out for a drink at the end of Chapter 54?
(a) Christine.
(b) Cavalierre.
(c) A Julia Roberts look-alike.
(d) Nurse Newton.
3. What does the Mastermind want from Justine?
(a) For her to have his baby.
(b) For her to become part of his next robbery team.
(c) To kill her because she has seen his face.
(d) For her to cook him dinner.
4. Which famed room is the conference room used by the executives for their meeting?
(a) The Japan Room.
(b) The Chinese Room.
(c) The Singapore Room.
(d) The Korean Room.
5. What does Cross do when the prime suspect leaves his apartment?
(a) Breaks in and starts searching the place.
(b) Invites himself in before he can get out the door.
(c) Follows him from across the street.
(d) Tackles and cuffs him.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who is a suspect in the robberies from the D.C. area?
2. What sport did Cavalierre play at Georgetown?
3. Where does the Mastermind seem to go when the dirty cops follow him after meeting with him?
4. How do the kidnappers communicate their initial demands with the executives?
5. Where does the Mastermind go as the robbers are trying to chase him down?
Short Essay Questions
1. What is Szabo's main problem with Cross' breaking into his apartment? What happens in the apartment?
2. What kind of surveillance does Brian Macdougall warn will cause a hostage to be shot? What does the FBI do at the Capitol Hilton?
3. Is Veronica Macdougall a believable witness to her father's guilt? Why would she willingly give him up?
4. Does Colonel Schofield bad-mouth Detective Cross to his staff at Hazelwood? What does Cross pose as when he goes undercover? Does he have the credentials for that area of expertise?
5. Does the Mastermind have the agents throw the money and diamonds from the train right away? How does he have them throw the money and diamonds off the train eventually?
6. How is Mitchell Brand classified by the team about to raid his apartment? Why?
7. Why does Sampson alert Cross after the second night of surveillance of the MetroHartford kidnapping? Why does Cross "see red" when Sampson alerts him about the bust going down on Mitchell Brand?
8. How does Alex act when he sees his psychiatrist, Adele Finally, at church? Is she effective at counseling him?
9. What does Cross call Christine's apartment and garden in Mitchellville? What does Christine's garden remind Cross of?
10. O'Malley and Crews, two of the potential bank robbers, know exactly what is going on at the meeting with the Mastermind. How? What happens at the end of the meeting?
This section contains 849 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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