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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. How are Taita's animals killed?
(a) With arrows.
(b) With a jar of poisoned goat's milk.
(c) With a jar of poisoned honey.
(d) By starvation.
2. How much loyalty does Tanus inspire in his men?
(a) Most of Tanus's soldiers are loyal to him.
(b) Several men refuse promotions so they can remain in his regiment.
(c) Only Kratas and Remrem respect him.
(d) About half of Tanus's regiment respects him.
3. During her feast to celebrate Taita, what gift does Lostris try to give him?
(a) Three new slave boys.
(b) His own house apart from hers.
(c) New physician's tools.
(d) His freedom.
4. Though Taita is an accomplished physician, what part of the human anatomy still confuses him (pg 88)?
(a) The brain.
(b) The heart.
(c) The veins.
(d) The lungs.
5. What does Taita do the night Lostris is first called in to visit Pharaoh?
(a) Paces his own room in agitation.
(b) Drinks a sleeping potion and goes to bed.
(c) Takes his night hawks hunting.
(d) Plays a game with Aton outside the chamber.
6. How does the audience accept the bloody, gaudy pageant?
(a) With horror.
(b) With stunned silence.
(c) With holy terror.
(d) With wild enthusiasm.
7. In the festival pageant, who plays the role of Seth, an evil god?
(a) Tanus.
(b) Lord Intef.
(c) Taita.
(d) Rasfer.
8. Why did Lord Intef engineer the downfall of Lord Harrab, Tanus's father?
(a) Pharaoh had promised great riches to Lord Harrab.
(b) Lord Harrab was corrupt in his land dealings with Lord Intef.
(c) Lord Harrab had cheated Lord Intef out of several thousand gold rings.
(d) Lord Intef was jealous of Lord Harrab's virtue, popularity, and wealth.
9. Why is Taita called the Elder Brother in the slave quarters?
(a) He cares for young slave boys after Lord Intef sleeps with them.
(b) He cares for young slave girls after Lord Intef sleeps with them.
(c) He cares for Lord Intef's wives during their many pregnancies.
(d) He looks out for all new slaves who are brought to the palace.
10. Where do Tanus and Lostris first sleep together?
(a) In his tent by the battlefield.
(b) In the hunting cabin by the river.
(c) In an empty hillside tomb.
(d) In Taita's bedroom one afternoon when he is gone.
11. Why does Nembet, the Great Lion of Egypt, become angry with Tanus?
(a) Tanus is allowed to present the city's greeting to Pharaoh.
(b) Tanus saves Pharaoh's ship because Nembet cannot.
(c) Tanus is revealed as next in line for the crown.
(d) Tanus has recently become popular with all of Thebes.
12. How does the cobra get into Taita's room to attack him?
(a) One of the slave boys brought it in.
(b) In a basket of pomegranates and mangoes.
(c) Rasfer brought it in secretly.
(d) Through a crack in the east wall.
13. Why is Taita nervous about the pageant at the end of the festival?
(a) He is playing the main role of Horus.
(b) He must direct the play.
(c) He wrote a new script to replace the thousand-year-old version.
(d) Lostris has not learned her lines properly.
14. What is the symbol of Pharaoh's power?
(a) The Gold of Praise.
(b) A blue hawk seal.
(c) An enormous golden ring.
(d) A red falcon seal.
15. How do the soldiers respond when Tanus orders them to put on the dresses of slave girls?
(a) They refuse until they know why.
(b) They refuse until Tanus threatens them.
(c) They laugh and protest.
(d) They treat the moment like a game.
Short Answer Questions
1. How is Lostris thrown from the Breath of Horus?
2. Why was Taita made a eunuch when he was sixteen?
3. What body parts are left inside a man when he is embalmed?
4. After Lostris disappears from the festivities on the shore, where does Taita find her?
5. Why does Taita implicitly trust Aton, the royal chamberlain?
This section contains 721 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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