Ringworld Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ringworld Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What draws the party to the floating castle?
(a) A light in the distance.
(b) A flag flying in the sky.
(c) The sound of drums.
(d) A road in the sky.

2. What type of trait does Louis realize the puppeteers have tried to breed in the humans?
(a) Luck.
(b) Intelligence.
(c) Height.
(d) Speed.

3. What does Speaker tell Louis he needs in Chapter 20?
(a) Whiskey.
(b) Water.
(c) Fresh meat.
(d) His medicine.

4. What kind of structure is in the force field?
(a) Another castle.
(b) A floating prison.
(c) A little island.
(d) A large spaceship.

5. What is Seeker looking for on the Ringworld?
(a) A new planet for his people.
(b) The arch.
(c) A lost love.
(d) A plant with healing powers.

6. Why is Teela crying under a waterfall in Chapter 14?
(a) She is mad at Louis.
(b) She wants to go home.
(c) She hates Nessus.
(d) She is overwhelmed with Ringworld.

7. What role does Louis seem to play in the group thus far in the story?
(a) Scientist.
(b) Mediator.
(c) Doctor.
(d) Leader.

8. Where do the three stop to make plans regarding their search and rescue of Teela?
(a) A house.
(b) A cave.
(c) The castle.
(d) An abandoned warehouse.

9. What happens when Louis calls Nessus to report Speaker's incident?
(a) Louis in unable to get a hold of Nessus.
(b) Nessus passes out.
(c) Nessus turns around and heads to the ship.
(d) Nessus refuses to answer.

10. What does the bald woman throw at Louis while he is in the force field?
(a) A rope.
(b) Rocks.
(c) Fruit.
(d) Translators.

11. Why does Louis think the ship crashed on Ringworld if Teela is supernaturally lucky?
(a) Her luck was affected by the stasis.
(b) She needed to be on Ringworld.
(c) She is only lucky when she is awake.
(d) Her luck only works on Earth.

12. What does Speaker find in the castle?
(a) A feast.
(b) The king.
(c) A map room.
(d) A history of Ringworld.

13. Where is the tasp located?
(a) In the flycycle.
(b) Speaker has it.
(c) With Louis.
(d) Imbedded in Nessus.

14. What is part of Seeker's payment for Teela?
(a) Flying the police station.
(b) Acting as a guard.
(c) Speaking to the natives.
(d) Gathering the wire.

15. What was Prill using the force field for?
(a) To keep out dangerous animals.
(b) To attack the local natives.
(c) To catch Engineers flying by.
(d) To catch food.

Short Answer Questions

1. Although she is ancient, how has Prill survived all this time on Ringworld?

2. What does Speaker fly off to investigate?

3. What happens to Nessus when he gets stuck in a wire trap?

4. What makes Louis think that Teela must be dead?

5. How is Speaker's state at the start of Chapter 20?

(see the answer keys)

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