Revolution Test | Final Test - Medium

Jennifer Donnelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Revolution Test | Final Test - Medium

Jennifer Donnelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Alex die?
(a) At the Temple.
(b) In the Tuileries.
(c) In her mother's arms.
(d) In the catacombs.

2. Where does Andi think she will find a way back to her own time?
(a) Under the Tower.
(b) At the beach in the catacombs.
(c) Outside of the Tuileries.
(d) In the Metro lines.

3. How did Alex try to protect Louis-Charles from the Duc d' Orleans?
(a) She jumped the Duc when he tried to hit the prince.
(b) She hid him in her closet.
(c) She didn't tell him of the plan to escape.
(d) She told the Duc the prince had run away.

4. What did Alex learn from the Duc before his execution?
(a) He was the prince's real father.
(b) He was sorry for the harm he caused.
(c) He wanted to be king.
(d) He was in love with her.

5. Where is the royal family being held at this point?
(a) At the Tuileries.
(b) The Temple.
(c) Versailles.
(d) A dungeon.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who walked Truman to school when Andi went to her friend's house?

2. Who is with Andi's father and G?

3. Where does Andi go with Virgil after they leave the Eiffel Tower?

4. Who does Alex write about as being determined to find her?

5. What is Alex's new job for the royal family?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happened to Truman?

2. What happens to Andi in the catacombs that finally convinces her she wants to live?

3. What does the Duc d' Orleans want from Alex?

4. What are some of the clues that indicate the strange man in the tunnel is not of our century?

5. What has helped Andi come out of her depression somewhat?

6. How does Alex become involved with the Duc d' Orleans?

7. Why was the royal family moved to the Temple?

8. What happens between Virgil and Andi when they go on a date?

9. Who is the girl Andi saw Virgil kiss at Remy's?

10. What is ironic about the death of the Duc d' Orleans?

(see the answer keys)

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