Remembering Babylon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Remembering Babylon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What sort of impact did Gemmy have on both Janet's and Lachlan's earlier lives?
(a) A positive one
(b) A negative one
(c) A neutral one
(d) No impact

2. How does Gemmy feel after receiving the gift from the aborigines?
(a) Confused and upset
(b) Excited and anxious
(c) Agitated and angry
(d) Refreshed and strengthened

3. What does Mr. Frazer suggest that the government plant in Queensland?
(a) Crops
(b) Native orchards
(c) European plants
(d) Tobacco

4. Which two characters meet in this chapter?
(a) Lachlan, Gemmy and Janet
(b) Janet and Gemmy
(c) Lachlan and Gemmy
(d) Janet and Lachlan

5. Who does Gemmy start dreaming about in this chapter?
(a) The natives
(b) Mosey and the Irish
(c) Willett
(d) Lachlan

6. What does Gemmy do with the hunting ferrets one night when Willett passes out drunk?
(a) He sets them on fire.
(b) He releases them from their cages.
(c) He feeds them treats.
(d) He kills them.

7. Which of the McIvors is most enraged by the incident with the geese?
(a) Jock
(b) Lachlan
(c) Ellen
(d) Janet

8. How does Mrs. Hutchence remove the bees from Janet when they swarm her?
(a) She smokes them.
(b) She catches them in a net.
(c) She swats at them.
(d) She sprays them with bee killer.

9. How does Lachlan feel when he visits Gemmy at Mrs. Hutchence's house?
(a) Happy
(b) Confused
(c) Isolated
(d) Relieved

10. What does Mrs. Hutchence give Gemmy that sparks memories of his childhood?
(a) Clothing
(b) A bed
(c) A chest
(d) A stone

11. Why does Lachlan stop protecting Gemmy?
(a) He begins to dislike Gemmy.
(b) He sees Gemmy can protect himself.
(c) Gemmy moves to Mrs. Hutchence's home.
(d) He wants to fit in with the other children.

12. What does Mr. Frazer begin writing about in this chapter?
(a) The use of native plants rather than importing items from Europe
(b) Gemmy's history
(c) The attack on Gemmy
(d) Botany

13. How does Gemmy react to the attack on the geese?
(a) He becomes enraged.
(b) He becomes more vocal.
(c) He becomes violent.
(d) He becomes withdrawn.

14. Who does Gemmy move in with after he is attacked?
(a) George Abbot
(b) Mrs. Hutchence
(c) The McIvors
(d) Mr. & Mrs. Frazer

15. What does Janet believe happens to her on the night depicted in this chapter?
(a) She realizes the evil of men.
(b) She develops respect for her father.
(c) She sees Gemmy as her brother.
(d) She becomes an adult.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Mr. Frazer go to Brisbane to meet with?

2. What does Lachlan find at the site where the "dispersal" supposedly took place?

3. What is Sir George's response to Mr. Frazer's plan?

4. How does Jock feel about having to confront the person who damaged his fence?

5. What event causes Jock to stop visiting his neighbors?

(see the answer keys)

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