Reliquary Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Reliquary Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Margo and D'Agosta come to what conclusion about Greg's motivations in taking the drug himself?
(a) He wanted to be famous.
(b) He wanted to live 50 percent longer.
(c) He wanted to be rich.
(d) He was arrogant.

2. What happened to Jumbo, P.T. Barnum's elephant?
(a) He was hit by a freight train.
(b) He was killed by an angry mob.
(c) He was strangled with the chain that held him.
(d) He died of old age.

3. The man Hayward rescued in the tunnels is whose son?
(a) A high powered executive's.
(b) A day trader's.
(c) A state senator's.
(d) The police chief's.

4. What is Hayward carrying that feels heavy and bulky?
(a) Food rations.
(b) A tank of oxygen.
(c) A .45 calibur gun.
(d) A Plexiglass riot shield.

5. For what purpose does Margo conclude Greg was synthesizing Vitamin D?
(a) To coat the walls of the skull hut.
(b) To cure a deficiency.
(c) To use as a food source.
(d) To use as a weapon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Margo do to discover what Greg was doing in the burned out warehouse?

2. What time are the valves to be opened at the Water Authority?

3. What does Margo do with the charred notebook?

4. What weapon does Pendergast prepare before they set the charges in the Bottleneck?

5. Who catches AW duty for the mission

Short Essay Questions

1. What do you think are Pendergast's true intentions in bringing Mephisto along on the mission to the Crystal Palace?

2. What purpose does the scene with the Navy SEALs have?

3. How does Pendergast use his shocking albinism to "blend in" with the outcasts of society in the tunnels? What other methods does he employ, and how is he successful?

4. What does Pendergast find in the Crystal Pavilion that causes him alarm? Why do you think these things scare him?

5. Of what is the subway massacre the first definitive indication? What does this mean to the investigation?

6. What is Margo's theory about what happened to Whittlesey? Examining her scientific approach outlined in the book, do you see any flaws in her theory? Is there another reasonable explanation?

7. Why do you think the creatures abduct the group determined to destroy them instead of killing them like they have everyone else?

8. How does Margo plan to figure out what Greg had been doing in his warehouse laboratory?

9. What is the true reason Kawakita was synthesizing Vitamin D? Do you believe he saw his own end coming and knew what he must do, or do you think it was simply an instinctive move?

10. What is the overwhelming feeling you get from the unnamed character in Chapter 34? Does he seem like every megalomaniac created in literature, or is there something different about him?

(see the answer keys)

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