Refugee (Alan Gratz) Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Gratz, Alan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Refugee (Alan Gratz) Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Gratz, Alan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what year does Isabel's narrative from Havana, Cuba begin?
(a) 2001.
(b) 1983.
(c) 1994.
(d) 1959.

2. In response to Lito's claim that Isabel is giving up her Cuban identity by leaving, Isabel's mother tells him that "Miami is just" (102) what?
(a) An hour's journey away.
(b) North Latin America.
(c) South Canada.
(d) North Cuba.

3. What item does Josef buy when he sneaks into the dining car?
(a) A sandwich.
(b) A newspaper.
(c) A cup of coffee.
(d) A cup of hot chocolate.

4. What shared characteristic had bonded the Soviet Union to Cuba prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union?
(a) Socialism.
(b) Democracy.
(c) Communism.
(d) Egalitarianism.

5. Whose face is featured prominently on the floor of Isabel's boat?
(a) Pablo Escobar.
(b) Fidel Castro.
(c) Che Guevara.
(d) Joseph Stalin.

6. On what condition is Josef's father released?
(a) That he remain in Berlin until further notice.
(b) That he provide information about one of his neighbors.
(c) That his whole family leave Germany at once.
(d) That he pay the Nazis a series of bribes.

7. Who is the subject of the portrait that the rabbi asks Captain Schroeder to remove during the bar mitzvah on the ship?
(a) Adolf Hitler.
(b) Fidel Castro.
(c) Benito Mussolini.
(d) Joseph Stalin.

8. What does Mahmoud buy for his brother Waleed in one of the shops at the refugee camp in Turkey?
(a) A stuffed Teletubby.
(b) A stuffed zebra.
(c) A stuffed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.
(d) A stuffed teddy bear.

9. The Nazis who storm Josef's family's home are never depicted directly by the author. Instead, what word is used to refer to them throughout the scene?
(a) Mummies.
(b) Zombies.
(c) Shadows.
(d) Robots.

10. In order to avail themselves of the smuggler's help, Mahmoud and his family must first make it to what city on the coast of Turkey?
(a) Ankara.
(b) Izmir.
(c) Istanbul.
(d) Antalya.

11. Where does Mahmoud's father keep the family's official papers and their money?
(a) Tucked into his pants under his shirt.
(b) In his wallet.
(c) Sewn into Waleed's hat.
(d) In a safe deposit box.

12. Josef's family is traveling on a train in order to get on a ship headed for what country?
(a) The United States.
(b) Columbia.
(c) Cuba.
(d) Germany.

13. What item falls out of Josef's pocket and is stomped on by a member of the Hitler Youth?
(a) His yarmulke.
(b) His armband.
(c) His photograph of his grandfather.
(d) His glasses.

14. When Isabel pleads with Lito not to turn back for Cuba, what reason does she cite above all others?
(a) That her grandfather will be arrested.
(b) That Ivan will be arrested.
(c) That her father will be arrested.
(d) That they will all be arrested.

15. What words are painted underneath the portrait painted on the bottom of Isabel's boat?
(a) Cuba Libre.
(b) Never say die.
(c) Fight against the impossible and win.
(d) Seek sanctuary.

Short Answer Questions

1. Even though Fidel Castro announces to the Cuban people that they are now free to leave Cuba whenever they want, why is Isabel's mother still especially wary about the trip?

2. The horrific historical event called Kristallnacht means what in the English language?

3. What type of Jewish ceremony do the people on Josef's ship hold during the journey?

4. After Mahmoud's family leaves their car behind, how many hours does Google Maps say their walk to Turkey will be?

5. Isabel knows that Ivan and his father are actually building a boat in order to travel where?

(see the answer keys)

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