Rebellion Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rebellion Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens while Maggie and Gwen are pinning up Serena's dress for the ball?
(a) They talk about all the men they meet at the ball.
(b) They end up arguing over Brigham.
(c) They giggle and act silly.
(d) They talk about Brigham and tease Serena about him.

2. What is Brigham hoping happens while he is away from Serena?
(a) He hopes she is not there when he returns.
(b) He hopes he gets over the way he feels about her.
(c) He hopes she misses him.
(d) He hopes he forgets her.

3. What secret wish does Serena have that means she has to go to confession?
(a) She never has to milk another cow.
(b) She never has to scrub another pot.
(c) All answers are correct.
(d) She never has to wash another shirt.

4. Who shows up while Serena is resting from her ride in Chapter Four?
(a) Gwen.
(b) Malcolm.
(c) Brigham.
(d) The Campbells.

5. In Chapter Four why does Mrs. Drummond make certain Fiona doesn't hear what she is saying to Serena?
(a) They are discussing Coll's condition.
(b) They are talking about delicate matters.
(c) They are planning a surprise party for Fiona.
(d) They are discussing politics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Brigham give Serena his handkerchief?

2. Who are the Jacobites?

3. Who is Serena MacGregor?

4. What does Serena do when her mother is slapped by a Dragoon?

5. What happens when Brigham sees Serena holding hands with another man?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when Brigham sees Serena leaving the barn with blood all over her skirt?

2. What is Coll's reaction when Maggie MacDonald arrives at Glenroe for a visit with her friends?

3. What is unusual about Serena's behavior as she sits in front of the fire with her mother brushing her hair?

4. Why does Fiona tell Serena to take the younger children and hide in the nursery?

5. What happens when Brigham sees Serena dancing with the other men?

6. What happens when Brigham orders Parkins to stay behind while he goes with Ian to meet with the Highland clans?

7. What is Brigham's dream?

8. How does Maggie tease Serena when she does nothing but deny any interest in Brigham?

9. Why does the Captain beat and rape Fiona?

10. After Brigham mentions his upcoming trip to London, what happens to Serena's mood? Why? What affect does her mood have on Brigham?

(see the answer keys)

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