The Rainbow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rainbow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Will view Anna as they wait to be married?
(a) She is a flame that consumes him.
(b) He is having second thoughts about her.
(c) She will make a wonderful home maker.
(d) She is becoming boring.

2. What does William do to help him stop worrying about life and relaxing?
(a) He rides his horse through the country side.
(b) He goes for long walks.
(c) He carves wood.
(d) He visits his local church which he loves.

3. How does Anna feel about herself as she drives to the wedding with her father?
(a) She is nervous and self-conscious.
(b) She feels ugly and inferior.
(c) She is ecstatic, feeling lovely and flamboyant.
(d) She is embarrassed by her father's crassness.

4. How does Tom feel about his new son?
(a) He loves Anna more than his own son.
(b) He loves his son more than his step-daughter, Anna.
(c) He wishes he had a baby girl instead.
(d) He adores his new son and wants to hold him constantly.

5. Why is Tom glad that his wife Lydia is there for him on Anna's wedding day?
(a) She will tell him what he should do during the ceremony.
(b) She will arrange the party after the wedding.
(c) She will help him forget his loss of Anna.
(d) She will sustain him among all of the people attending the wedding.

Short Answer Questions

1. William comes home from the park a changed man. How does Anna react to this new side of her husband?

2. How does Anna feel about Tom after the baby is born?

3. Where is Anna's favorite place to stop on the way to the cattle market?

4. Where have generations of Brangwens lived?

5. What is Tom contemplating as he stands at the altar with Anna on her wedding day?

Short Essay Questions

1. Compare the way Anna and William view Lincoln Cathedral as they walk through the doors.

2. Explain William's relationship with Ursula after the birth of Gudrun.

3. Explain how Anna views her relationship with her cousin, William.

4. Explain William's feelings toward Anna as she discusses the wood carvings in the cathedral.

5. Describe Anna's emotions as her parents build a life together.

6. Summarize Anna's inner feelings when she is sent to a young ladies school in Nottingham.

7. Explain why William feels guilty when he looks out the door after his marriage to Anna.

8. Describe the toast Tom gives at Anna's wedding party?

9. Compare Tom's feeling toward his newborn son and his stepdaughter, Anna?

10. What is William's physical and mental state after the birth of his third child?

(see the answer keys)

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