The Pushcart War Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jean Merrill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pushcart War Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jean Merrill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Frank the Flower get arrested?
(a) The first day of the pea shooter campaign.
(b) In June.
(c) The day after Big Moe's first flat.
(d) The ninth day of the pea shooter campaign.

2. What happens after the lady driver tells the cab driver "Well done" for hitting her car?
(a) He pays for her repairs.
(b) All the above.
(c) He tows her for repairs.
(d) He marries her.

3. What does the mayor initially propose to do to stop the pea shooters?
(a) Tax tacks for pushcart vendors.
(b) Tax tacks for crackpots.
(c) Tax tacks for anyone over ten.
(d) Tax tacks for anyone under 21.

4. What is Big Moe's first explanation for the number of flats?
(a) That the tires he bought were rotten.
(b) That the pushcart vendors are behind it.
(c) That the aliens are behind it.
(d) That the other trucking companies are behind it.

5. What is the fine that is imposed on anyone who leaves a truck parked for longer than an hour?
(a) $500.
(b) $100.
(c) There is no fine.
(d) $50.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who questions Frank the Flower once he's at the police station?

2. How many tacks are purchased the day after the tax is repealed?

3. What does Professor Lyman Cumberly say prompted the pushcart war?

4. On what date does the Mayor order the Pea Blockade?

5. Who is causing the next round of truck flats?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Mayor Emmett P. Cudd's interest in the trucking companies?

2. Big Moe talks about the fear that the women will become involved in the situation. Why does Big Moe believe women will become involved and what does he say will be the outcome if they do?

3. How does Mr. Jerusalem become involved in the war?

4. What is the attitude of the pushcart vendors with regard to the children taking up their war against the trucks?

5. What is the purpose of the map on the wall at Maxie Hammerman's?

6. How does England get drawn into the battle regarding the tax on tacks?

7. There is a free newspaper that reports that pushcarts are "unsanitary." What other things has this same reporter called unsanitary and why does he make these statements.

8. How does Old Anna come to be known as General Anna?

9. What is another name for the first incident of the pushcart war and why?

10. What happens to Wenda Gambling?

(see the answer keys)

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