The Producers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Producers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Leo escape his dismal mood in act 1, scene 3?
(a) He fantasizes about marrying a chorus girl.
(b) He fantasizes about being a Broadway producer.
(c) He fantasizes about starring on Broadway.
(d) He fantasizes about choreographing a huge Broadway production.

2. What type of a play is The Producers?
(a) Shakespearean comedy.
(b) Musical.
(c) Experimental.
(d) Drama.

3. Who makes up the chorus in the main song in act 1, scene 9?
(a) Homosexual men.
(b) Glitzy chorus girls.
(c) Little old ladies.
(d) Cleaning ladies.

4. How does act 1, scene 3 end?
(a) Leo runs to Max's office.
(b) Leo tap dances on the accountants' desks.
(c) The chorus girls surround Leo as his name shines from a marquee.
(d) Leo sings the breakout song of the show he wants to direct.

5. Where do Leo and Max find Franz in act 1, scene 6?
(a) On the rooftop of his apartment building.
(b) In a dumpster.
(c) On the street.
(d) In his apartment.

6. Where is Leo coming from in the beginning of act1, scene 4?
(a) The store.
(b) His apartment.
(c) The bar.
(d) His office.

7. What does Leo tell his boss at the end of act 1, scene 3?
(a) He wants to be promoted.
(b) He wants to take a leave of absence.
(c) He wants to thank him for his help in his career.
(d) He quits.

8. What happens when that causes Leo to end up in the fetal position in act 1, scene 2?
(a) Max touches Leo's accountant's visor.
(b) Max touches Leo's blue blanket.
(c) Max uses Leo's lucky pen.
(d) Max offers Leo a drink.

9. How does Roger feel about the script for Springtime for Hitler?
(a) He loves it.
(b) He thinks it could use a rewrite.
(c) He hates it.
(d) He think it is too edgy.

10. What does Leo get in trouble for when he arrives at the office in act 1, scene 3?
(a) His boss found out about his creative book-keeping for Max.
(b) He is six minutes late.
(c) He did not drop Max as a client.
(d) He did not show up for work that morning.

11. According to Max, what must the author of the play be used to?
(a) Expermental theater off-Broadway.
(b) Big Broadway productions.
(c) Community theater.
(d) Storefront theaters.

12. What is Bialystock hiding his face behind when he first enters at the beginning of the show?
(a) A newspaper.
(b) A placard.
(c) A playbill.
(d) His hat.

13. What theater is the backdrop of the end of act 1, scene 9?
(a) The Eugene O'Neill Theater.
(b) The Schubert Theater.
(c) The Winter Garden Theater.
(d) The Niederlander Theater.

14. According to Leo, what could not possibly compare to going to jail?
(a) Living at his mother's house forever.
(b) Being out of New York forever.
(c) Being stuck on the subway.
(d) Being an accountant forever.

15. What is Leo's dream job?
(a) Broadway actor.
(b) Broadway director.
(c) Broadway choreographer.
(d) Broadway producer.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is NOT one of the three old ladies in the beginning of act 1, scene 9?

2. What does Leo say that catches Max's attention in act 1, scene 2?

3. What does Franz hope that his script will do?

4. What word does Leo offer up about the play that helps to convince Roger to direct it?

5. What does Max tell Leo about producers and money in act 1, scene 8?

(see the answer keys)

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