Princess Sultana's Daughters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jean Sasson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Princess Sultana's Daughters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jean Sasson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Among the purification rituals before the holy pilgrimage, what was not allowed?
(a) Eating during the daytime.
(b) Travel outside the country.
(c) Wearing of perfume, jewelry or makeup.
(d) Work.

2. What protection did the title of "princess" afford Sultana when it came to exposing her identity?
(a) She was safe from any harm or punishment because she was a part of the royal family.
(b) There were hundreds of princesses like her in the royal family.
(c) Anything she did wrong would be blamed on her husband.
(d) Princesses could get away with things that ordinary people could not.

3. In the sad story of Sultana's cousin, what was the main conflict?
(a) She was wrongly accused of adultery and held in the women's room until she died.
(b) She was married to an older man and took a forbidden lover.
(c) She was an American trapped in Saudi Arabia and held against her will.
(d) She was the 19th wife of an elderly Saudi man who abused her.

4. Why was Amani's love of animals so unique in Saudi Arabia?
(a) Most Saudis did not show affection to animals.
(b) Muslims were forbidden to touch animals that were not used for food.
(c) The Koran declared all animals unclean.
(d) Having pets was illegal in Saudi Arabia.

5. How did Sultana react when her father and brother began to read mockingly from her book?
(a) She was too frightened to respond.
(b) She was humiliated.
(c) She laughed out loud in relief.
(d) Her fear turned to anger.

6. With the publication of her first book, Princess, what was Sultana's biggest regret?
(a) That her father never spoke to her again.
(b) That she lost custody of her children.
(c) That the book was a slap in the face to King Fahd.
(d) That it ruined her marriage.

7. Sultana recalls the sad story of which distant cousin whose plight was described in a Western documentary?
(a) Princess Noorah.
(b) Princess Misha'il.
(c) Princess Anani.
(d) Princess Maha.

8. After the first day of the pilgrimage, what sounds did Sultana hear coming from Amani's room?
(a) The sound of loud and fervent prayer.
(b) The sound of chanting that Sultana associated with witchcraft.
(c) The sound of animals that Amani and snuck along on the pilgrimage.
(d) The sound of Maha and Amani arguing about the existence of God.

9. When Kareem and Sultana met with Aisha's father, what did the families decide about Maha and Aisha?
(a) That they should stop seeing each other.
(b) That Maha was a positive influence that Aisha really needed.
(c) That Aisha should come and live with Maha's family where she would have a better life.
(d) That they should both go into therapy together.

10. What special privilege was granted to Sultana in Makkah because of her royal status?
(a) She was permitted to enter the city.
(b) She was allowed to pray inside a holy shrine.
(c) She was allowed to take off her veil when she prayed.
(d) She was driven to the holy site instead of walking with the other worshipers.

11. What injustice to women did the depraved father of Maha's friend, Aisha, commit?
(a) He married girls as young as eleven as temporary brides and then unmarried them.
(b) He sent his wives to live in seclusion in the women's room when he was bored of them.
(c) He divorced his wives when they stopped being able to have children.
(d) He married several women at once and then stoned to death the ones who did not conceive within a year.

12. What group of people in Saudi Arabia did Sultana consider forgotten?
(a) The poor.
(b) The women.
(c) The handicapped.
(d) The children.

13. How did Sultana react when she pulled back the sheets covering the men who were trampled to death?
(a) She began to tear her hair out in grief.
(b) She shocked everyone around her by laughing.
(c) She fainted.
(d) She said nothing, but quickly ran away in terror.

14. What did Maha say was her reason for taking such an item (or items) with her to work?
(a) As an escape from the hardships of her life.
(b) For protection from the police.
(c) It was the only free time she had away from her parents' watchful eyes.
(d) To seem cool to the other workers at the hospital.

15. What Western documentary tells the sad story of Sultana's cousin?
(a) One Woman's Battle for Freedom.
(b) Princess.
(c) A Nightmare in Arabia.
(d) Death of a Princess.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did the family's arrival in London surprise the permanent staff at the family home?

2. During the family's holy pilgrimage, what was the significance of visiting Mount Arafat?

3. Why did Sultana fear that Amani would turn out like her cousin Lawand?

4. How was the marriage of Kareem and Sultana affected by Sultana's book?

5. After viewing the notable event that occurred at the Plain of Mina, what did Amani refrain from later that evening?

(see the answer keys)

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