Plato's Phaedo Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Plato's Phaedo Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Socrates argue are good masters?
(a) His gods.
(b) The senate.
(c) Athens' military.
(d) Women.

2. What does Socrates say about philosophers at the start of 62d -66a?
(a) They life is too precious to waste.
(b) They should be ready and willing to die.
(c) They should not talk against Athens.
(d) They need to be more vocal about their needs.

3. How does course and moderation see death according to Socrates' argument?
(a) Unavoidable.
(b) Necessary.
(c) Good.
(d) Evil.

4. Which two characters are talking at the start of "Phaedo"?
(a) Phaedo and Plato.
(b) Phaedo and Echecrates.
(c) Plato and Socrates.
(d) Socrates and Echecrates.

5. What conclusion does Socrates draw from his argument concerning the goal of a philosopher?
(a) Philosophers should create a school of their own.
(b) Philosophers should not resent death.
(c) Philosophers should leave Athens and never come back.
(d) Philosophers should not talk out of place.

6. Who claimed to have been with Socrates when he died at the start of "Phaedo"?
(a) Giton.
(b) Cebes.
(c) Phaedo.
(d) Plato.

7. How do things appear when perceived by the senses according to Socrates?
(a) Imperfectly equal.
(b) Equal.
(c) Partly equal.
(d) Unequal.

8. What is the only way to truly achieve virtue according to Socrates?
(a) Reflection.
(b) Wisdom.
(c) Fear.
(d) Death.

9. Who does the philosopher want to be with according to Socrates?
(a) His friends.
(b) His students.
(c) Himself.
(d) His family.

10. What is the goal of a philosopher according to Socrates?
(a) To avoid confrontation with the law.
(b) To speak the truth.
(c) To practice for death and dying.
(d) To avoid dying.

11. Where was Socrates held prior to dying according to the two men discussing at the start of "Phaedo"?
(a) In a temple.
(b) In Sparta.
(c) In jail.
(d) At home.

12. Who does Socrates tell Cebes to relate his final writing to?
(a) His mother.
(b) Evenus.
(c) Phaedo.
(d) Plato.

13. What does Socrates say the philosopher separates?
(a) Family and business.
(b) The men and the women.
(c) The grain from the hay.
(d) The body and the soul.

14. Who does the recount of Socrates' conversation with Cebes tell us was Socrates writing in honor of before his death?
(a) Apollo and Venus.
(b) His mother.
(c) The god of the festival.
(d) Sparta.

15. What are course and moderation part of according to Socrates?
(a) Hatred.
(b) Wisdom.
(c) Gluttony.
(d) Love.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why are moderates amongst the masses also moderate out of fear according to Socrates?

2. According to the account of his death, how did Socrates lived his life?

3. In "Phaedo", what is the abstract fact about the world that makes it true that two sticks are of the same type?

4. What does Socrates argue learning is?

5. What does Socrates say most people are ready to do when their loved ones die?

(see the answer keys)

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