The Plague Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Plague Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens on January 25th?
(a) The city gates are reopened.
(b) Authorities announce that the epidemic is over.
(c) There is a parade with fireworks.
(d) Dr. Rieux turns 40.

2. How is Tarrou reminded of his mother?
(a) Madame Rieux is quite similar..
(b) Mme Othon is quite similar.
(c) He sees a portrait of Rieux's wife and sees a resemblance.
(d) A cafe waitress.

3. How has Fr Paneloux assisted the community during the plague?
(a) He has worked in hospitals.
(b) He has preached supportive sermons.
(c) He has said Mass every day.
(d) He has researched ancient inscriptions for plague remedies.

4. Having made his decision, what must Rambert now give up?
(a) A large income.
(b) His nationality/citizenship.
(c) His job at the newspaper.
(d) Happiness with his wife.

5. What does Rambert anticipate happening when he meets his wife again?
(a) He has changed, so will reject her.
(b) Instant happiness.
(c) Things will be over between them.
(d) She will worry that he has lost weight.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is M. Othon's predicament solved?

2. How do his friends try to help Grand?

3. What is different about Tarrou's journal at this point?

4. What is happening across the road from Grand's building?

5. What is preventing Rieux's visit to Grand and Cottard?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Tarrou's philosophy?

2. What is the situation in the camps for people in quarantine?

3. In what way is Cottard shown to be different from other characters in The Plague?

4. What choice does Rambert make in Part 4 Chapter 2?

5. Account for Cottard's behavior in Part 5 Chapter 5.

6. What gives the people cause for hope in Part 5 Chapter 1?

7. Why cannot jubilation be complete at this point (Part 5 Chapter 1)?

8. Which characters now volunteer as plague workers?

9. Account for the difference tenor and content of Fr Paneloux's new sermon, compared with that he gave at the conclusion of the Week of Prayer.

10. Has Cottard really gained from his profiteering during the plague?

(see the answer keys)

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