Persuasion Test | Final Test - Medium

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Persuasion Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who escorts Anne for the first half of her trip home after the gathering?
(a) Captain Benwick
(b) Mr. Elliot
(c) Charles
(d) Frederick

2. Everyone in Captain Wentworth's group has good things to say about _________________.
(a) Elizabeth
(b) Captain Wentworth
(c) Anne
(d) Mr. Elliot

3. The Musgroves take a trip to visit __________.
(a) Anne
(b) Captain Wentworth
(c) Mary
(d) Louisa

4. Mr. Elliot married his first wife for what reason, according to Mrs. Smith?
(a) love
(b) money
(c) because their families forced them to
(d) convenience

5. Mary is glad that Captain Wentworth is marrying Anne, rather than who?
(a) Henrietta or Louisa
(b) Louisa or Elizabeth
(c) Elizabeth or Mrs. Clay
(d) Henrietta or Elizabeth

Short Answer Questions

1. Frederick and Anne run into each other and Frederick offers Anne ______________.

2. Mary and her husband go where with Mrs. Musgrove?

3. Who is mourning the death of his fiancé?

4. Anne receives a very upsetting letter from whom in Chapter 18?

5. What surprising reaction to Anne's father and sister have over her arrival?

(see the answer keys)

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