Pegasus Bridge: June 6, 1944 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pegasus Bridge: June 6, 1944 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Pegasus Bridge: June 6, 1944 Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long after the capture of the bridges did Howard anticipate the paratroopers would start to land according to Chapter 6, D-Day: 0026-0600 Hours?
(a) 45 minutes.
(b) 3 hours.
(c) 30 minutes.
(d) 1 hour.

2. What direction did Howard and his men start moving after being relieved?
(a) East.
(b) North.
(c) West.
(d) South.

3. Where did the Gondrees spend the night according to Chapter 7, D-Day: 0600 to 1200 Hours?
(a) Treating wounded Allied soldiers.
(b) Serving German soldiers.
(c) In their cellar.
(d) In their office.

4. How prepared were Von Luck's men for such a situation according to Ambrose?
(a) Very, Von Luck's plans were made for such a situation.
(b) Barely, Von Luck didn't have time to train.
(c) Barely, it was something Von Luck didn't anticipate.
(d) None, the division was on leave.

5. What did Company D become after June 6?
(a) A tank company.
(b) It was disbanded.
(c) A mechanized company.
(d) An infantry company.

6. Who took over patrolling duties at the bridges after their arrival?
(a) E Company.
(b) 7th Battalion.
(c) 5th Division.
(d) 6th Regiment.

7. When was Caen liberated?
(a) August, 1944.
(b) June, 1944.
(c) January, 1945.
(d) December, 1944.

8. What did the Gondrees know about the soldiers by the bridge?
(a) They were British.
(b) They were American.
(c) Nothing.
(d) They were Germans.

9. What time did Howard finish setting up his defensive position around the bridge?
(a) 0235 hours.
(b) 0015 hours.
(c) 0115 hours.
(d) 0245 hours,

10. What was Company D given after returning to England?
(a) Double rations.
(b) Leave.
(c) A night out.
(d) A tour of London.

11. What did Howard learn about at the regiment headquarters?
(a) They landed on the wrong bridge.
(b) Pegasus was a failure.
(c) The invasion was a success.
(d) Pegasus bridge was destroyed shortly after their departure.

12. What was Von Luck waiting for to counterattack with the full force of the 21st Panzer?
(a) To have an accurate picture of what was going on.
(b) Daylight.
(c) Permission to do so.
(d) To finish his breakfast.

13. For how long was Von Luck a POW?
(a) Five years.
(b) One year.
(c) Six years.
(d) Eight years.

14. When did Howard retire?
(a) 1975.
(b) 1974.
(c) 1985.
(d) 1958.

15. Where was Von Luck's division reassigned on August 21, 1944?
(a) Russia.
(b) The defense of Berlin.
(c) The Ardennes.
(d) South of France.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the cafe become on June 6th?

2. Where did Von Luck Panzer move toward on June 6?

3. How many planes provided air cover to the allied landing troops?

4. Following his car accident, Howard was hospitalized until __________________.

5. Where were the relief troops for the bridge supposed to come from?

(see the answer keys)

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