Paul Harvey's The Rest of the Story Test | Final Test - Medium

Paul Harvey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Paul Harvey's The Rest of the Story Test | Final Test - Medium

Paul Harvey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How far does Hiram drag the policeman in Chapter 45?
(a) Thirty feet.
(b) Fifty feet.
(c) Twenty feet.
(d) Seventy feet.

2. In Chapter 60, the serum is flown from Rockefeller Institute to ___________.
(a) Alberta.
(b) Quebec.
(c) Manitoba.
(d) Ontario.

3. Who are the victims of the crime discussed in Chapter 48?
(a) Bank tellers.
(b) An elderly couple.
(c) Tourists.
(d) Train passengers.

4. How is Bram Stoker described by Harvey?
(a) An illogical man.
(b) A mysterious man.
(c) A gentle man.
(d) An impatient man.

5. When is Shepard bedridden with arthritis in Chapter 51?
(a) His twenties.
(b) His fifties.
(c) His thirties.
(d) His forties.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of fictional stories is Horatio Alger known for?

2. What ailment does John treat a man for in Dallas in Chapter 59?

3. When does the war between Honduras and El Salvador begin?

4. With what is Cesar's last name from the story in Chapter 46 associated?

5. When does George cash his check in Chapter 52?

Short Essay Questions

1. Which president has a penchant for speed in "Drag-Strip Simpson," and how does Harvey document his hobby?

2. How does Lucy's engagement allow Harvey to discuss a president's assassination in Chapter 58?

3. How is the song of the enemy used as a motivational anthem by Americans in Chapter 62?

4. What recurring lesson does Harvey reinforce in "Little Book Lost"?

5. How does Sam Houston know exactly what time to attack the enemy in "Napoleon of the West"?

6. What is the importance of "The Kiss" in Chapter 53?

7. What is unusual about the friendship that Harvey describes in "Inseparable"?

8. Which technique does Harvey use in "Escape" to conceal the identity of the story's subject?

9. What are some of the interesting facts about Kris Kristofferson in "Establishment Boy"?

10. How does Doc Holliday earn his reputation in Chapter 59?

(see the answer keys)

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