Paris Spleen, 1869 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Paris Spleen, 1869 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the poet describe the words "multitude" and "solitude" in "Crowds"?
(a) As being difficult to spell.
(b) As being identical.
(c) As being opposites.
(d) As being painful.

2. Why does the narrator follow the woman around all day in "The Widows"?
(a) She asks him to.
(b) She owes him money.
(c) He thinks he knows her.
(d) He is fascinated with her.

3. In "The Double Room", what wakes the narrator from his dream?
(a) A woman yelling.
(b) A knock.
(c) The rising sun.
(d) A clap of thunder.

4. How does the narrator of "The Clock" describe Feline?
(a) Nervous.
(b) Hairy.
(c) Difficult.
(d) Pompous.

5. Who chooses the gifts the children receive in "The Fairies' Gifts"?
(a) The children.
(b) A beast.
(c) The children's parents.
(d) The fairies.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "The Foreigner", what emotions does Baudelaire tie to gold?

2. How does the tradesman react to his child's gift in "The Fairies' Gifts"?

3. In "The Toy of the Poor", what separates the rich child from the poor?

4. In "The Foreigner", to what is gold compared?

5. Why do the fairies in "The Fairies' Gifts" have to work quickly?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the narrator see in the jester's eyes in "The Fool and Venus"?

2. What does Baudelaire say about the night in "Evening Twilight"?

3. How does the narrator of "The Old Mountebank" feel about the mountebank?

4. In "The Temptations: Or, Eros, Plutus, and Fame", what is the narrator tempted with?

5. What makes the narrator pity the man in "The Fool and Venus"?

6. What makes the narrator change his mind about the setting in "Cake"?

7. In "A Hemisphere in Her Hair", what can be seen in black hair?

8. What are the voices discussing in "The Foreigner"?

9. What does the narrator say about the concert in "The Widows"?

10. What are the fairies doing in "The Fairies' Gifts"?

(see the answer keys)

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