Outlander Test | Final Test - Easy

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Outlander Test | Final Test - Easy

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Part 6, Chapter 34 reveals, who is Hamish Mackenzie's biological father?
(a) Jamie.
(b) Murtagh.
(c) Colum Mackenzie.
(d) Dougal.

2. What is the pet name by which Jamie calls Jenny?
(a) "Mo duinne."
(b) "Je suis prest."
(c) "Broch tuarach."
(d) "Mo cridh."

3. What does Claire drink when she wakes up in Part 7, Chapter 40?
(a) Coffee.
(b) Wine.
(c) Tea.
(d) Milk.

4. Which object does the box of Jamie's personal effects, brought by the prison employee in Part 7, Chapter 35, NOT contain?
(a) A dried mole's foot.
(b) A Bible.
(c) A razor.
(d) A piece of glass.

5. Which boy does Jamie accept as a helper with the horses?
(a) Mrs. Crook's son.
(b) Rabbie MacNab.
(c) Alex MacGregor.
(d) Young Jamie.

6. As Jamie relates in Part 7, Chapter 39, when Captain Randall was beginning to torture him, what did Randall do first with the knife?
(a) Cut off his smallest toe.
(b) Nick his ear.
(c) Stab him in the hand.
(d) Cut a shallow wound across his chest.

7. Whose shirt is Jamie wearing in Part 7, Chapter 37?
(a) His own.
(b) Rupert's.
(c) MacRannoch's.
(d) Murtagh's.

8. What is the name of the person Jenny ties to a tree in Part 5, Chapter 33?
(a) Robert MacDonald.
(b) Ronald MacNab.
(c) Ian Murray.
(d) Eustace MacGregor.

9. Claire realizes that any other doctor of the day would have fixed Jamie's hand by which method?
(a) Salve and balm.
(b) Transplanting toes.
(c) A plaster cast.
(d) Amputation.

10. In Part 6, Chapter 34, where do Claire and Murtagh think Jamie is going?
(a) Castle Leoch.
(b) Beauly.
(c) France.
(d) Edinburgh.

11. Where does Mrs. Crook do the laundry?
(a) Upstairs in a bathtub.
(b) In a cauldron.
(c) In the river.
(d) At the local laundromat.

12. What does Claire use to break the lock on the chains that bind Jamie?
(a) A knife.
(b) An axe.
(c) A mallet.
(d) A wooden plank.

13. When he is talking to the Redcoats in Part 7, Chapter 37, where does Murtagh pretend he wants to go?
(a) Castle Leoch.
(b) Edinburgh.
(c) Ballagh.
(d) Wentworth Prison.

14. Of what religion is Claire?
(a) Protestantism.
(b) Catholicism.
(c) Hinduism.
(d) Buddhism.

15. What does Jenny describe in Part 5, Chapter 30?
(a) Menstruation.
(b) Flu.
(c) Learning to swim.
(d) Pregnancy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the date scheduled for Jamie's execution?

2. What is the name of the midwife?

3. What is the name of the housekeeper at Jamie's home?

4. While Ian and Jamie are discussing business in Part 5, Chapter 30, what is Claire doing?

5. What time of year is it at the end of the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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