Out of My Heart Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sharon M. Draper
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Out of My Heart Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sharon M. Draper
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With which of the following does Chapter 6 begin?
(a) “So, our life kicked into crazy whirlwind mode.”
(b) “It was only Thursday and it had been raining and gray all day, just like my mood.”
(c) “It took us most of last night to pack our well-used SUV for the trip to Camp Green Glades.”
(d) “Penny’s nonstop chatter helped pass the time.”

2. With which of the following does Chapter 19 begin?
(a) “Trinity twirled my wheelchair around.”
(b) “Trinity likes earrings, too.”
(c) “We drove down a bumpy road that you’d think would wake Penny.”
(d) “After the group meeting, we stopped to quickly brush our teeth and make a bathroom stop.”

3. Which of the following does Melody see on the way to the showers on her first morning at camp?
(a) Nutria.
(b) Rabbits.
(c) Chipmunks.
(d) Squirrels.

4. For which of the following countries does Melody note knowing the average summer temperature?
(a) Armenia.
(b) Brazil.
(c) Denmark.
(d) Chad.

5. Which of the following is served for breakfast on Melody’s first morning at camp?
(a) Oatmeal.
(b) Pancakes.
(c) Biscuits.
(d) Grits.

6. What brand of sneaker does Melody reject?
(a) Reebok.
(b) Nike.
(c) Puma.
(d) Adidas.

7. Into which of the following does Penny attempt to gather a firefly?
(a) A jug.
(b) A net.
(c) A bottle.
(d) A jar.

8. With which of the following does Chapter 5 begin?
(a) “It took us most of last night to pack our well-used SUV for the trip to Camp Green Glades.”
(b) “My application to Camp Green Glades was in on Monday.”
(c) “It was only Thursday and it had been raining and gray all day, just like my mood.”
(d) “So, our life kicked into crazy whirlwind mode.”

9. With which of the following does Chapter 9 begin?
(a) “Penny’s nonstop chatter helped pass the time.”
(b) “Ooh! Look! There’s another one—and another!”
(c) “We drove down a bumpy road that you’d think would wake Penny.”
(d) “The firefly hovered over the back of my hand, then landed.”

10. To whom of the following is the novel dedicated?
(a) Jade.
(b) Pearl.
(c) Crystal.
(d) Ruby.

11. Which Fiery Falcon is the first to attempt the zip-line?
(a) Karyn.
(b) Jocelyn.
(c) Melody.
(d) Athena.

12. Which of the following is served at Melody’s first lunch at camp?
(a) Fried chicken.
(b) Hot dogs.
(c) Hamburgers.
(d) Fajitas.

13. How old does Melody note Penny is?
(a) 5 1/2.
(b) 5.
(c) 4.
(d) 4 1/2.

14. On which day does Melody usually go to the library?
(a) Friday.
(b) Thursday.
(c) Tuesday.
(d) Wednesday.

15. With which of the following does Chapter 10 begin?
(a) “Trinity likes earrings, too.”
(b) “So, my cabinmates didn’t seem so bad.”
(c) “Trinity twirled my wheelchair around.”
(d) “We drove down a bumpy road that you’d think would wake Penny.”

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is Melody’s sign for her mother?

2. With which of the following does Chapter 16 begin?

3. Which of the following does Melody hope not to do in her sleep?

4. Which Fiery Falcon is the first to wake on the first morning of camp?

5. Which of the following does the camp grow in its garden?

(see the answer keys)

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