Oscar and Lucinda Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Oscar and Lucinda Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Oscar do to the cards when the wave crashed over the deck?
(a) Threw them out the porthole.
(b) Shuffled them without concern.
(c) Handed them to Lucinda.
(d) Threw them across the room.

2. How does Oscar originally plan to transport the church to Dennis?
(a) By land.
(b) By sea.
(c) By plane.
(d) By train.

3. What does Lucinda call Mr. Ahearn when he visits that makes him blush?
(a) Handsome.
(b) Her long lost friend.
(c) Uncle.
(d) Kind.

4. What does Lucinda do after Oscar wakes up from his faint in her stateroom?
(a) Calls Mr. Smith to help her.
(b) Help him walk to his room.
(c) Calls two stewards to bring him to his room.
(d) Keeps him there until he is able to walk by himself.

5. When Oscar reveals his knowledge of gambling during Lucinda's confession, what does Lucinda say?
(a) "Mr. Hopkins, you're making me blush."
(b) "Don't say that!"
(c) "Don't tell anyone."
(d) "Mr. Hopkins, this is most improper."

6. How many days is Wardley-Fish imprisoned in Sydney?
(a) Twenty.
(b) Two.
(c) Fifty.
(d) Thirty.

7. What does Lucinda wager in her bet with Oscar about delivering a glass church to Dennis?
(a) Her entire fortune.
(b) Her house.
(c) Her glass factory.
(d) Her special cards.

8. Where does Oscar take Lucinda to dinner in Chapter 82?
(a) Petri Hotel.
(b) Belmont. Hotel.
(c) The Coat and Arms.
(d) Oriental Hotel.

9. What does Oscar say about the prototype Lucinda shows him in her office?
(a) It will not work.
(b) It looks funny.
(c) It is a bad idea.
(d) It is fit for angels.

10. When Oscar's housekeeper warns him that his sermons are upsetting the congregation, what is he preaching about?
(a) The evils of gambling.
(b) Charity.
(c) Compassion.
(d) Love.

11. What game is Lucinda playing when she sees Oscar in Chapter 64?
(a) Pak-Ah-Pu.
(b) Checkers.
(c) Five Card Draw.
(d) Poker.

12. What does Mr. Jeffris appoint Mr. Smith to be on the expedition?
(a) Horse handler.
(b) Oscar's keeper.
(c) Note taker.
(d) Cook.

13. What trap does Lucinda set to lure the stewards when they come to her stateroom in Chapter 56?
(a) Rare coins.
(b) Cards and a stack of money.
(c) Artwork.
(d) Gold jewelry.

14. Who is Mrs. Smith?
(a) Oscar's cook.
(b) Dennis' sister.
(c) Lucinda's new maid
(d) Lucinda's aunt.

15. What does Mr. Smith force-feed Oscar to keep him quiet?
(a) Valium.
(b) Laudanum.
(c) Whiskey.
(d) Beer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lucinda hurl at the wall when she becomes frustrated by Oscar?

2. When Lucinda is talking with Dennis in Chapter 62, what does she take on and off?

3. Where is Lucinda going at nine o'clock at night on her horse in Chapter 64?

4. How does Oscar describe the glassworks factory to Lucinda after he has chased her to her office?

5. What does Horace Borrodaile speak about in his monologues on board the ship?

(see the answer keys)

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