Oryx and Crake Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Oryx and Crake Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why doesn't Jimmy's family ever visit the pleeblands?
(a) They are not safe.
(b) It's too expensive to travel there.
(c) The pleeblands are infected.
(d) There is nothing in the pleeblands worth visiting.

2. What type of meat is frequently served at OrganInc's cafeteria?
(a) Fish.
(b) Chicken.
(c) Pork.
(d) Steak.

3. What does Snowman consider doing, but decides against it?
(a) Approaching a nearby village.
(b) Keeping a journal.
(c) Learning to cook.
(d) Getting a pet.

4. What painted animal is on Jimmy's boots as he walks through disinfectant?
(a) Cows.
(b) Cats.
(c) Penguins.
(d) Ducks.

5. What color stimulates the male Crakers?
(a) Green.
(b) Pink.
(c) Blue.
(d) Red.

6. What is the name of the person who buys Oryx?
(a) Uncle Em.
(b) Aunt Ed.
(c) Uncle Ed.
(d) Uncle En.

7. What kind of hat does Snowman wear?
(a) A Yankees baseball cap.
(b) A Red Sox baseball cap.
(c) A Raiders football hat.
(d) A cowboy hat.

8. What is the name of Jimmy's mother?
(a) Karen.
(b) Jill.
(c) Sharon.
(d) Katherine.

9. Where does Snowman find shelter during the bad weather?
(a) In Crake's dome.
(b) A pile of tires.
(c) In a tree house.
(d) In an outhouse.

10. What do the new humans ask Snowman about when they bring him fish?
(a) Crake's birth.
(b) Crake's favorite food.
(c) Oryx's birth.
(d) Crake's pets.

11. What ailment does Snowman believe he is suffering from that makes him decide to go to the compound?
(a) Cancer.
(b) Starvation.
(c) Ulcers.
(d) Dehydration.

12. What does Oryx sell?
(a) Watches.
(b) Computer parts.
(c) Puppies.
(d) Roses.

13. What happens to Jimmy's former pet?
(a) His dad kills it.
(b) His mom "liberates" it.
(c) Jimmy accidentally kills it.
(d) Crake sets it free.

14. When Snowman is in the forest, what does he worry about?
(a) He thinks he is going to starve.
(b) He thinks animals will eat him.
(c) He thinks the weather is too intense and might freeze him to death.
(d) He thinks he is forgetting things.

15. What do the new humans smell like?
(a) Cucumber and melon.
(b) Meat.
(c) Cinnamon.
(d) Citrus fruit.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is missing from the bodies of the new women?

2. How often are female Crakers fertile?

3. At what place does Snowman believe he will find guns?

4. What time does Snowman usually retreat to the forest?

5. Who is Oryx sold to after her first owner leaves?

(see the answer keys)

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