Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mrs Arkwright do for Jean in the market?
(a) She gives Jean some food.
(b) Lends Jean her cart to haul apples.
(c) She lets Jean put her orange box in her stall out of the rain.
(d) She takes some of pamplets to put up herself.

2. What does Jean worry about before her operation?
(a) Dying from the anesthetia.
(b) Not getting her hearing back.
(c) All of the above.
(d) If the nurse will throw away her orange peel.

3. What does Jean's mother call the public school?
(a) The breeding ground.
(b) The devils work.
(c) The mill of brainwashing.
(d) The corrupter of children.

4. In the story at the end of the chapter titled Leviticus, what is the girl like?
(a) Her favorite thing is to spin and sing in the orchard.
(b) Well acquainted with the laws of physics and the universe.
(c) So pretty she can heal the sick.
(d) All of the above.

5. How does pastor Finch, the visiting pastor, make Jean feel?
(a) Devoted.
(b) Like a prodigal child.
(c) Scared and uneasy.
(d) Possessed by a demon.

6. How does Jean's mother refer to their neighbors?
(a) The Johnsons.
(b) John and Meg's family.
(c) Next Door.
(d) That poor family.

7. When a sleeve of Jean's mac gets torn off at the market, what does her mother do?
(a) Takes her to buy another one.
(b) Says she doesn't need a mac.
(c) Rips the other sleeve off and calls it a vest.
(d) Tapes it back on.

8. How successful are Jean's art projects at school?
(a) Teachers are obliged to recognize their technical superiority.
(b) Nobody understands them.
(c) Praised because of her effort in them.
(d) Rejected due to content.

9. How does Jean pass the time she spends in the children's ward at the hospital?
(a) Contemplating the Lord.
(b) Making igloos out of her orange peels.
(c) Talking with other kids.
(d) Looking at sick people.

10. What kind of effort does Jean put into fitting in at school?
(a) Jean tries to dress fashionably to be accepted.
(b) She establishes good relationships with the teachers but not the kids.
(c) She tries very hard but can't get the hang of it.
(d) She doesn't care and can't wait to leave.

11. What does Mrs. Arkwright tell Jean when she sees her in the market?
(a) She tells Jean to come to her if she needs help.
(b) She tells Jean her mother is a saint.
(c) She tells Jean to stop living by someone else's rules.
(d) She tells Jean her mother is mad.

12. What does Jean's mother have her do in the market for the special conference for the Society?
(a) None of the above.
(b) Tack fliers up all around.
(c) Buy all the apples from the market to symbolically remove temptation.
(d) Stand on an orange box and shout what was going on.

13. What does Jean's mother see in a child when she decided she wanted one?
(a) A blessing.
(b) A missionary child.
(c) A servant of God.
(d) All of the above.

14. What is Pastor Finch's sermon about the first day Melanie is in the church?
(a) Unnatural passions.
(b) Turning the other cheek.
(c) The unbounded love of God.
(d) Forgiveness.

15. Which of the following best characterizes the way Jean's mother sees the world?
(a) Black and white.
(b) A place of shadowy nuances.
(c) As all God's creations.
(d) A confusing jumble of forces.

Short Answer Questions

1. What reasons are given when adults discuss why Jean doesn't answer anyone?

2. What does Jean's mother do to get at the "heathens" who live next door?

3. What is Jean's response when her mother informs her that if Jean doesn't go to school she'll go to jail?

4. Which of the following is in the book that the prince writes?

5. What does Jean realize when her sampler does not win in a school contest?

(see the answer keys)

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