Once Upon a Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 64 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Once Upon a Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 64 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is said to have happened in one family's home while the family was at dinner?
(a) The bedrooms were ransacked.
(b) The television was smashed.
(c) The bar was raided.
(d) The car was stolen.

2. What does the man say cats always do, so they need not worry about him getting hurt on the new fencing?
(a) Look before they leap.
(b) Avoid danger.
(c) Have extra lives.
(d) Land on all fours.

3. What did the woman have the housemaid do to the people from the city who hung about looking for work?
(a) Bring them bread and tea.
(b) Bring them clothes.
(c) Give them money.
(d) Shoo them away.

4. Who does the little boy pretend to be at the end of the story?
(a) A cop.
(b) A Prince.
(c) A Dragon.
(d) A robber.

5. How is the housemaid described at the end of the story as she walks back to the house?
(a) Hopeless.
(b) Melancholy.
(c) Hysterical.
(d) Speechless.

6. Why did people in the city begin spending time in the suburbs even if they were not housemaids or gardeners?
(a) They were looking for work.
(b) They were waiting for families to leave so they could rob them.
(c) Their kids were bussed there for school.
(d) They had friends in the suburbs.

7. In addition to taken items from homes, what did the suburban intruders do in the homes?
(a) Read.
(b) Napped.
(c) Had parties.
(d) Ate and drank.

8. Where did the cat sleep after the serrated metal coils were installed?
(a) The boy's bed.
(b) The kitchen.
(c) The garden.
(d) The man and woman's bed.

9. Why did the wife suggest they build a higher wall around their house?
(a) She wanted their wall higher than their neighbors.
(b) She wanted it to block out the sun.
(c) She worried her son would climb over their current wall.
(d) Her husband suggested that someone might still be able to climb in.

10. What are some of the things intruders would take from suburban homes?
(a) Computers and cell phones.
(b) Pots and pans and coffee makers.
(c) Books and DVDs.
(d) Cassette players, radios and jewelry.

11. Who runs out of the house second and finds the boy at the end of the story?
(a) The wise old witch.
(b) The cat.
(c) The housemaid and gardener.
(d) The man and the woman.

12. What does the mother do to get the boy to sleep at the end of the story?
(a) Read him a fairy tale.
(b) Watch a movie with him.
(c) Give him sleeping medication.
(d) Sing him a lullaby.

13. What words are used to describe the sounds the alarms in the suburban neighborhood made?
(a) Bangs and booms.
(b) Beeps, honks, and toots.
(c) Jingle jangles.
(d) Shrills, beats, and wails.

14. Who gave the man and woman money to build a higher wall around their house?
(a) The neighborhood association.
(b) The man's mother.
(c) The woman's father.
(d) They took out a loan.

15. What additional security option does the husband and wife choose after comparing various styles in the neighborhood?
(a) 12-inch pikes.
(b) Iron grilles with lance-points.
(c) Serrated metal coils.
(d) Glass embedded in cement.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of his son's toys did the man take in from the yard every night in case someone came in?

2. What information was affixed to some of the security walls of people's houses in the suburbs?

3. What gifts did the man's mother give the little boy for Christmas the year they built a higher wall?

4. What were the man and woman and little boy no longer able to admire when they took their dog for walks around the neighborhood?

5. What does the boy pretend the serrated metal coils are at the end of the story?

(see the answer keys)

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