On Directing Film Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On Directing Film Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Mamet, you can't rely on the ________ to tell the story. Which of these is the correct answer?
(a) Shots.
(b) Direction.
(c) Beats.
(d) Acting.

2. According to Mamet in Chapter 3, "In addition to what you will or not learn about the medium through your desire to understand it, that desire itself will be ______."
(a) Created.
(b) Attained.
(c) Manifested.
(d) Established.

3. Who did Mamet compare with Frank Capra in Chapter 3?
(a) David Lynch.
(b) Alfred Hitchcock.
(c) Werner Herzog.
(d) Brad Commers.

4. What is the term for the screening of the day's shots?
(a) Cuts.
(b) Outtakes.
(c) Dailies.
(d) Screenshots.

5. According to Mamet, he lived in a house that was how many years old at the time this book was written?
(a) 100.
(b) 50.
(c) 10.
(d) 200.

6. According to Mamet, you always want to tell a story in what?
(a) Cuts.
(b) Character.
(c) Narration.
(d) Shots.

7. What was the third beat about in the hypothetical film in Chapter 2?
(a) Preparing.
(b) Homage.
(c) Respect.
(d) Waiting.

8. Mamet says you should always do things in what way, in order to make the best movie?
(a) The most interesting way.
(b) The most frugal way.
(c) The least interesting way.
(d) The most artistic way.

9. Mamet says in Chapter 1 that it is the __________ that makes the movie. What was he talking about?
(a) Shot.
(b) Director.
(c) Actor.
(d) Plan.

10. Chapter 1 deals with what element of the process of directing?
(a) Structure.
(b) Storytelling.
(c) Narration.
(d) Characterization.

11. Mamet cited Aristotle in saying there is no such thing as what?
(a) A tragic ending.
(b) A happy ending.
(c) Plot.
(d) Character.

12. The movie, more than what, is closer to simple storytelling?
(a) A play.
(b) A television show.
(c) A novel.
(d) A memoir.

13. In what area did Mamet have greater experience in when writing the book?
(a) Acting.
(b) Screenwriting.
(c) Stage directing.
(d) Film criticism.

14. According to Mamet in Chapter 3, the film business is caught in a spiral of degeneracy because it is run by people who have no what?
(a) Structure.
(b) Compass.
(c) Craft.
(d) Map.

15. What term means a filmmaker, usually a director, who exercises creative control over his or her works and has a strong personal style?
(a) Auteur.
(b) Creator.
(c) Collaborator.
(d) Artiste.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Mamet in Chapter 3, if you want to build a roof, it might be a good idea to understand about the effects of what?

2. What is another term for "looping"?

3. According to Mamet, storytellers need to be warned against falling into what?

4. Mamet says that the house has to look like a house. The ______ doesn't have to look like a house.

5. Sometimes, Mamet says in Chapter 3, the piece (film) will do what?

(see the answer keys)

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