Old Yeller Test | Final Test - Easy

Fred Gipson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Old Yeller Test | Final Test - Easy

Fred Gipson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mama tell Little Arliss to do as she is about to remove Old Yeller's bandage?
(a) She tells Arliss to wait over by Jumper.
(b) She tells Arliss to catch her a big frog for dinner.
(c) She tells Arliss to go catch her a green-striped lizard.
(d) She tells Arliss to go play at the river.

2. What does Travis do while Mama, Lisbeth, and Old Yeller go to burn Spot?
(a) He stays at home with Little Arliss.
(b) He reads a book to Arliss.
(c) He teaches Arliss how to shoot.
(d) He cooks supper for everyone.

3. What is Travis' reaction to Lisbeth helping Mama with the corn?
(a) It hurts his pride.
(b) He's glad to be out of it.
(c) He wishes she would leave.
(d) He wants to tell her that she is useless.

4. Why can't Travis sleep on the night that Sanderson tells him about hydrophobia?
(a) Travis stays awake watching for mad animals.
(b) Travis has nightmares about mad dogs and wolves.
(c) Travis watches over Arliss and Mama.
(d) Travis stays awake praying for Papa to come home.

5. What does Old Yeller do when the wolves come around the cabin?
(a) He groans and hides.
(b) He cowers in the corner of the cabin.
(c) He bays a warning to them to keep away.
(d) He whimpers weakly.

6. What do the hogs do if a blizzard is on the way?
(a) They pack leaves and dry grass into a thicket or cave and sleep in it.
(b) They head back to the barn.
(c) They stand in the snow until someone leads them home.
(d) They go into caves in the side of the hill.

7. What does Travis yell for Mama to bring him?
(a) His jacket.
(b) His gun.
(c) His bull whip.
(d) His shoes.

8. Why does Travis hate gathering corn?
(a) It is woman's work.
(b) It is a child's job.
(c) It is boring work.
(d) It is hot work and the corn shucks sting and makes the skin itch.

9. What does Little Arliss do to help get Old Yeller home?
(a) He rides on Jumper and holds Old Yeller in his lap.
(b) He helps drag the cowhide that Old Yeller is resting on.
(c) He rides on the cowhide with the dog and holds Old Yeller's head in his lap.
(d) He leads Jumper while Old Yeller is pulled behind the mule.

10. Why does Bud Searcy leave Lisbeth behind with Mama?
(a) He leaves her to help Mama while Travis is recuperating.
(b) He leaves her to take care of Old Yeller.
(c) He leaves her because she isn't much help to him.
(d) He leaves her because she is annoying him.

11. How does Travis shoot Old Yeller?
(a) He shoots Old Yeller while the dog is eating his food.
(b) He shoots Old Yeller while the dog is sleeping.
(c) He calls Old Yeller to him and shoots the dog in the head.
(d) He shoots Old Yeller while the dog is looking the other way.

12. What does Travis see Mama, Little Arliss, and Lisbeth doing after they gather the corn?
(a) They are complaining about the corn shucks.
(b) They are scratching their skin.
(c) They are grumpy.
(d) They are laughing and having a good time.

13. What is Travis excited about Papa bringing home for him?
(a) A new saddle.
(b) A new rifle.
(c) A Bowie knife.
(d) A horse.

14. How does Travis propose getting Old Yeller home?
(a) Travis says that he will hold Old Yeller while riding on Jumper.
(b) Travis says that they can drag Old Yeller in a blanket.
(c) Travis says that Mama can hold Old Yeller while riding on Jumper.
(d) Travis says they can put Old Yeller in a cart.

15. What does Lisbeth tell Travis about the puppy she gave him?
(a) Travis will grow to love the puppy.
(b) The puppy will make a great cow dog.
(c) The puppy will be as good as Old Yeller.
(d) Old Yeller is the puppy's father.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens that makes Travis feel better for the first time since Old Yeller's death?

2. Why isn't Travis excited about the puppy that Lisbeth gives to him?

3. How does Old Yeller save Travis from the hogs?

4. What animal comes into the yard staggering, grunting, and moaning?

5. Why does Mama decide that the Spot heifer must be killed?

(see the answer keys)

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