Of Love and Other Demons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Of Love and Other Demons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Cayetano learn about the demons that he believes are controlling Sierva in Chapter 3?
(a) He listens to gossip on the streets.
(b) He reads about them in the Bishop's library.
(c) He listens to the slaves' stories.
(d) He reads about African culture.

2. Although he is assigned as Sierva's exorcist, what is Cayetano's true desire for his career?
(a) Bishophood.
(b) Librarian.
(c) Musician.
(d) Teacher.

3. When the Abbess drags Sierva away from the slave quarters in chapter three, how does Sierva react?
(a) She screams obscenities at all the passing nuns.
(b) She faints.
(c) She urinates on herself.
(d) She defecates herself.

4. While visiting with the Bishop and Cayetano, what plans does the Viceroy bring up?
(a) Releasing the slaves.
(b) Annexing the town.
(c) Taking over another town to add to New Grenada's wealth.
(d) Increasing trade and prosperity in New Grenada.

5. How was food brought to the convent during the fighting between the Bishop and the Santa Clara convent in the earlier centuries?
(a) Bundles thrown from the trees.
(b) A secret tunnel.
(c) Courier pigeons.
(d) Bundles tied to arrows shot over the walls.

6. What natural event opens chapter four?
(a) The sun's eclipse.
(b) Winter solstice.
(c) A snowstorm.
(d) A thunderstorm.

7. What is the Abbess's name?
(a) Juanita Miranda.
(b) Josefa Miranda.
(c) Juanita Maria.
(d) Josefa Maria.

8. Who, upon her arrival, takes a special interest in Sierva?
(a) The Abbess's sister.
(b) The Viceroy's mistress.
(c) The Marquis's third wife.
(d) The Vicereine.

9. At the end of chapter four, what does Sierva refuse to do?
(a) Visit with her father.
(b) Visit with her mother.
(c) Visit with Cayetano.
(d) Visit with Dr. Abrenuncio.

10. In the Governor's dinner for the Viceroy, what is the entertainment?
(a) Slaves singing.
(b) A nude Abyssinian woman.
(c) Sierva speaking in demonic voices.
(d) A nun playing the harp.

11. How old is Father Cayetano?
(a) Fifty-six.
(b) Forty-six.
(c) Thirty-six.
(d) Twenty-six.

12. In Dr. Abrenuncio's view, what is an exorcism?
(a) Torture and destruction.
(b) A psychosomatic cure.
(c) A humane way to cure madness.
(d) A necessary evil.

13. What realization does Bernarda make in chapter four?
(a) She loves her daughter.
(b) She has abused Sierva.
(c) She is dying soon.
(d) Sierva is gone.

14. When she first meets the Abbess, how does Sierva behave?
(a) She is very respectful to the Abbess.
(b) She faints.
(c) She screams blasphemous phrases.
(d) She acts violently and refuses to speak.

15. How does Cayetano react to the Abbess's attempted hysteria when he first meets Sierva?
(a) He encourages the nun.
(b) He calms the nun down and makes her tea.
(c) He tells the nun to calm down and leave.
(d) He sympathizes with the Abbess and turns all of his attention to her.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Cayetano, in chapter three, win Sierva's trust?

2. Who finds Cayetano in a sorry state at the end of chapter four?

3. Whom does Sierva befriend when she first comes to the convent?

4. How does the Abbess feel about the South American aristocrats?

5. Where does the Viceroy stay when he comes to New Grenada?

(see the answer keys)

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