Oedipus the King Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Oedipus the King Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Creon say stopped the city from looking into the king's death?
(a) trouble with the Sphinx
(b) a plague on the crops
(c) a war with Corinth
(d) a storm that destroyed the town

2. According to Creon, who does a witness say killed Laius?
(a) a man with the power of a god
(b) a band of soldiers
(c) a gang of robbers
(d) a lone traveller

3. What does the chorus say about human prophets?
(a) Human prophets have human motivations.
(b) It's impossible to tell if human prophets have real knowledge beyond the everyday.
(c) Human prophets are always wrong.
(d) Human prophets are the same as the gods and priests.

4. Who does Oedipus say he's seeking vengeance for?
(a) himself and the people of Thebes
(b) the land and the god Apollo
(c) Creon and Jocasta
(d) the gods and the prophets

5. What does the priest call pestilence?
(a) a fiery god
(b) a thundering beast
(c) a roaring lion
(d) a sinister snake

Short Answer Questions

1. Before Teiresias leaves, what does he say about the murderer's nationality?

2. What does Creon say has caused the disasters to the town?

3. What does Teiresias say Oedipus doesn't know?

4. How does Teiresias respond when Oedipus says the prophet speaks in riddles?

5. What deal does Oedipus offer the murderer if he gives himself in?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the attitude of the townspeople when they speak to Oedipus?

2. What does Oedipus accuse Teiresias of, that finally forces the prophet's tongue?

3. Why doesn't Creon immediately tell Oedipus his news?

4. What troubles have affected the people of Thebes?

5. What does Oedipus promise to do when Creon returns?

6. How does Oedipus respond to the townspeople's pleas for help?

7. Why does Oedipus offer a deal to the murderer and set rules for the people of Thebes?

8. Describe Oedipus's attitude toward Creon when Creon returns.

9. What reason does Teiresias give for coming to see Oedipus?

10. Why doesn't Oedipus listen to Teiresias?

(see the answer keys)

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