Odder Test | Final Test - Easy

Katherine Applegate
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Odder Test | Final Test - Easy

Katherine Applegate
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Odder think of the animals who care for her?
(a) They are like fish.
(b) They are too small.
(c) They are mean.
(d) They are mystifying, but kind.

2. Why does Odder keep going back to Highwater with her diving teacher?
(a) She can not search for food herself.
(b) She knows he will take care of her.
(c) She knows her mother is at Highwater.
(d) She is good friends with Gracie and Holly.

3. What does Odder think of solid food?
(a) It is bad.
(b) It tastes synthetic.
(c) It is delicious.
(d) It tastes like towels.

4. What does Odder vow to change after her surgery?
(a) Her reckless behavior.
(b) Her paws.
(c) Her song.
(d) Her hair.

5. Where does Odder hone her diving skills while in captivity?
(a) In the large tank.
(b) In the small tank.
(c) In the medium group otter tank.
(d) She does not hone her diving skills.

6. What do the humans do with Odder in the bigger pool several times a day?
(a) Feed her there.
(b) Try to make her breed there.
(c) Introduce her to other otters there.
(d) Help her float back and forth there.

7. What is the first thing Odder says to Kairi?
(a) She is sad.
(b) She has missed Kairi.
(c) She loves Kairi.
(d) She is angry.

8. What does Odder feel about the humans after meeting the two older otters for the first time?
(a) They are not very meaningful to her.
(b) They are her legends.
(c) They are her long-lost family.
(d) They are her gods.

9. When are pups and mothers often separated?
(a) During shark attacks.
(b) During winter.
(c) During violent storms.
(d) During summer.

10. What do the aquarists use to simulate kelp?
(a) Strands of fabric like at the car wash.
(b) Basil.
(c) Pine cones.
(d) Palm fronds.

11. What decision do the aquarists reach about Odder?
(a) They will release her soon
(b) They will keep her at Highwater forever.
(c) They will try to breed her.
(d) They will euthanize her.

12. Why are the two older otters permanently at Highwater?
(a) They are too young.
(b) The aquarists decided they were not fit for the ocean.
(c) They are too violent.
(d) They are injured.

13. What do the aquarists use to teach and play with otters?
(a) Computers.
(b) Wood.
(c) Shells, algae, urchins, and rocks.
(d) Musical instruments.

14. What do the aquarists think returning to the wild symbolizes for otters?
(a) Hate.
(b) Ridicule.
(c) Freedom.
(d) Legend.

15. What does Odder dream of one night after a perfect day of diving?
(a) Her friend Kairi.
(b) Her mother.
(c) A newborn female pup.
(d) Gracie.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the quick-tempered bay feel like to Odder?

2. How do the aquarists plan to re-introduce Odder to the wild?

3. What does Odder vow to do if she finds Kairi in Highwater?

4. What takes longer for Odder once she starts on solid food?

5. What does Odder think Kairi is holding?

(see the answer keys)

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