Octopussy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Octopussy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Bond's impression of Sender?
(a) Impressed by his easy-going nature.
(b) Believes he is a typical Wykehamist.
(c) Thinks they make a good duo for missions.
(d) Believes Sender is unfit for the Secret Service.

2. What does Bond focus on as he waits at the window?
(a) Number 272.
(b) Sender's advice.
(c) The weeds.
(d) The cello player.

3. What are the KGB's plans for Number 272?
(a) To go through with it before the British Secret Service gets a hold of it.
(b) Delay Number 272.
(c) Murder him.
(d) Stop it before it is enacted.

4. Why must Bond not reveal his true name in New York?
(a) Bond is wanted by the U.S government.
(b) Suspected KGB knows Bond's identity.
(c) The assignment is against the U.S.
(d) The person Bond is meeting does not agree to meet if Bond is revealed.

5. What further impresses the Range Officer as he walks Bond out?
(a) The commanding way Bond speaks to the Corporal.
(b) The woman waiting for Bond.
(c) Bond's clothing.
(d) Bond's car.

6. What kind of weapon does the KGB have for their mission?
(a) A sub-machine gun.
(b) Poison gas.
(c) Shotgun.
(d) A sniperscope.

7. What is the significance of "Number 272"?
(a) It's the code name for the man Bond must save.
(b) It's Bond's code name for his current mission.
(c) It's the Russian file that is close to being in British hands.
(d) It's the name of Bond's mission.

8. Of the listed places, which does Bond NOT feel nostalgia for?
(a) Washington Square.
(b) Harlem.
(c) The Battery.
(d) Greenwich Village.

9. Who does Bond presume the nondescript middle-aged man to be?
(a) Secret Service from the U.S. government.
(b) A thief.
(c) KGB.
(d) His second man.

10. What does Bond look forward to before his flight?
(a) Time to meet with a woman first.
(b) Time for drinks.
(c) A nap.
(d) Time to talk with M about his plans.

11. What are Bond's plans before his rendezvous?
(a) Catch some dinner and jazz music.
(b) Visit the zoo.
(c) Walk around Harlem.
(d) Do some shopping.

12. What does Bond consider about the auto firm he uses?
(a) The driver is with the U.S. Secret Service.
(b) They is with the KGB.
(c) They know where a famous brownstone is located.
(d) They know his true identity.

13. How are the FBI and CIA involved with Bond's mission?
(a) They are protecting the American woman.
(b) They are after the Russian man too.
(c) They are the ones Bond is warning the English woman about.
(d) They are trying to find David Barlow before Bond.

14. How does Bond's arrival to the U.S. begin?
(a) Smoothly and quickly.
(b) With a possible robbery case.
(c) With lots of waiting.
(d) With lots of questioning by customs.

15. Who requests that Fleming write "007 in New York"?
(a) New York's Chapter of the James Bond Book Club.
(b) British publishers.
(c) His niece.
(d) American publishers.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much later does Bond meet with his intended person than planned?

2. What new weapon is Bond trying out in the beginning of "The Living Daylights"?

3. What causes Sender to be nervous the first night of the mission?

4. When the person meets Bond for the rendezvous, what is the person's reaction to Bond's news?

5. What publication first publishes "007 in New York"?

(see the answer keys)

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