The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression Test | Final Test - Easy

Andrew Solomon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression Test | Final Test - Easy

Andrew Solomon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who wrote Mourning and Melancholia?
(a) Descartes.
(b) Ficino.
(c) Freud.
(d) Plato.

2. Who does Hippocrates help with advice and action?
(a) Cassander.
(b) Amyntas III.
(c) King Perdiccas II.
(d) Philip II.

3. Who does Solomon write about for this book?
(a) People who need the most attention.
(b) People he pities.
(c) People he can relate to.
(d) People he admires.

4. When Solomon meets Angel, how many medications is she taking daily?
(a) Ten.
(b) Five.
(c) Fifteen.
(d) Twenty.

5. What university is Richard J. Davidson from?
(a) Oklahoma.
(b) Washington.
(c) Wisconsin.
(d) Ohio.

6. Who formed the idea that the brain controls the central nervous system?
(a) Hippocrates.
(b) Menodotus.
(c) Plato.
(d) Herophilius.

7. What condition does Angel develop?
(a) Bipolar disorder.
(b) Colon cancer.
(c) Austism.
(d) Schizo-affective.

8. When did Freud publish Flying Papers?
(a) 1824.
(b) 1895.
(c) 1911.
(d) 1767.

9. Ancient Greeks believed depression was caused by bile of what color?
(a) Blue.
(b) Black.
(c) Red.
(d) White.

10. What does Thomas Crowe believe about the primate brain that makes it different from the human brain?
(a) It is made of white matter.
(b) It is very small.
(c) It is very smooth.
(d) It is asymmetrical.

11. Who suggested that suicide was a murderous impulse toward another person?
(a) Jung.
(b) Freud.
(c) Maslow.
(d) Hume.

12. The suicide rate when up in the U.S. after the suicide of who?
(a) Marilyn Monroe.
(b) Brynn Hartman.
(c) Dave Garroway.
(d) Kurt Cobain.

13. Who came up with four suicide types that are no longer used today?
(a) Emile Durkheim.
(b) Arnold Schwartz.
(c) Antonio Longoria.
(d) Michael Owens.

14. What state is Joe Rogers in when he lives in a halfway house?
(a) North Dakota.
(b) Alabama.
(c) Maryland.
(d) Florida.

15. Freud says melancholic people have a keener eye for what?
(a) Truth.
(b) Morality.
(c) Innovation.
(d) Color.

Short Answer Questions

1. How was depression seen in the thirteenth century?

2. What season do most suicides take place?

3. Who is the executive director of the Mental Health Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania?

4. From whom do we get the first true description of psychoanalysis?

5. How many of the impoverished, depressed men that Solomon interviewed were HIV positive?

(see the answer keys)

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