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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Where was Donna when she found the Carol within herself?
2. Donna had to catch a bus and a _____ to get to her school, which was three suburbs away from her house.
3. Lina's mother thought Donna was beautiful and fed her pieces of _____.
4. What was Donna obsessed with the first night she stayed at Trish's house?
5. What made Donna look like she was on drugs?
Short Essay Questions
1. What was Donna's first dream about?
2. What did Donna do when her classmates got violent with Sara and the new boy in her primary school class?
3. How did Donna's father begin to act as she got older?
4. How did Donna eat at Robyn's house?
5. What did the history teacher at Donna's last school like to talk about in class?
6. How did Donna ruin the furs at the shop where she worked and what happened as a result?
7. What did Donna think when she saw children in the backyards of their grandmothers?
8. What did Donna do at work when she didn't have food to eat because Garry's sister had taken the food money for herself?
9. How did Donna treat friendships that she had with other kids?
10. What was 'wonking' to Donna? What did this mean to her mother?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Describe Donna's world as a child. How and why did she lose herself in situations? What did she see? What were the roles of the wisps and Willie when she was a child?
Essay Topic 2
Describe how Donna reacts to primary school. What are her social interactions? What subjects does she excel in and why?
Essay Topic 3
Explain Carol's role in Donna's life. How and why did Donna take on this persona? What role did the Carol persona have in Donna's social expression of herself?
This section contains 692 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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