Night Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Night Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What interests did Moshe and Wiesel share?
(a) Playing board games.
(b) Plotting against the Gestapo.
(c) Discussing philosophy.
(d) Cooking.

2. What did Wiesel believe when he and his father were sent to the right after telling their ages to the officer at Birkenau?
(a) He believed that he and his father would be separated.
(b) He thought they would be shot immediately.
(c) He believed they were being sent to the crematory.
(d) He thought they were in the fortunate group.

3. What happened to Madame Schachter as a result of the train trip in Chapter 2?
(a) She became unresponsive.
(b) She committed suicide.
(c) She was shot by the Hungarian police.
(d) She went insane.

4. In Chapter 3, what happened to the Jews at Birkenau once they left the train?
(a) They were given food and water.
(b) The men and women were separated.
(c) The children and adults were separated.
(d) They were sent directly to hard labor in a rock quarry.

5. In the spring of 1944, what did the people of Sighet believe about Hitler?
(a) That he would conquer all of Europe.
(b) That he was killed or went into hiding.
(c) That he would soon be defeated.
(d) They thought his troops were turning on him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Wiesel's family do while living in their house in the ghetto?

2. What did Madame Schachter do after the confrontation with the men on the train?

3. How long did it take one of the hanged prisoners to die at the end of Chapter 4?

4. Why did Wiesel lie to the man who was looking for his family in Chapter 3?

5. Madame Schachter traveled with whom in Chapter 2?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did life deteriorate for the Jews after the Hungarian police arrested the Jewish community leaders during Passover?

2. What type of work was Wiesel given to do in Chapter 4?

3. Who was the head of the camp in Chapter 4 and how did he act?

4. How did Moshe's experiences during the deportation change him?

5. How did Moshe escape being killed when he was deported?

6. Describe the relationship between Moshe the Beadle and Wiesel.

7. How did Weisel's attitude about food change in Chapter 3?

8. What did a fellow prisoner advise Wiesel and his father in Chapter 3?

9. What did the German officer and the Hungarian interpreter tell the Jews on the train to the concentration camp in Chapter 2?

10. How did Wiesel describe Dr. Mengele?

(see the answer keys)

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