The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Once again Nicholas looks for work, and once again what happens?
(a) He finds a horrible job.
(b) He has no luck.
(c) He cannot find any.
(d) An opportunity as good as falls in his lap.

2. Mrs. Nickleby and Miss LaCreevy appear with luggage. To where are Kate and Mrs. Nickleby in the process of moving?
(a) To a new home.
(b) Back to Miss LaCreevy's.
(c) To a flat in London.
(d) To their home in the country.

3. Why does Nicholas travel through the poorest and most degraded section of London?
(a) To see what life is like in this section of London.
(b) He is lost.
(c) To complete his errand for the Cheerybles.
(d) To help the poor.

4. After the men have gone, of what does Mrs. Wititterly accuse Kate?
(a) Stealing Hawk away from her.
(b) Manipulating the situation in order to be alone with Hawk and thereby advance her position at the expense of the Wititterlys.
(c) Allowing a potential husband to walk out the door.
(d) Not caring enough about wealth.

5. How does Nicholas react when he overhears men talking about Kate?
(a) He ignores them.
(b) He fights them all.
(c) He follows them inside and listens.
(d) He goes to her.

6. What does Nicholas do when he comes to visit Madeline and Bray?
(a) He tells them that Ralph is a horrible man, and Madeline should not marry him.
(b) He congratulates her on her wedding.
(c) He expresses his concern that they are being taken adavantage of.
(d) He expresses his love for Madeline.

7. Just as everybody returns to go in to dinner, Noggs arrives in a new suit, confessing what?
(a) That he is leaving London.
(b) That he is getting married.
(c) That he has been helping Ralph.
(d) That he has been helping the police.

8. What does the company recount?
(a) How the play has changed from the original.
(b) The performances of the actors.
(c) The action that took place in the previous play.
(d) Who forgot what lines.

9. Into what do Ralph and Gride manipulate Bray?
(a) Agreeing to the marriage of Ralph and Madeline.
(b) Agreeing to the marriage of Madeline and Nicholas.
(c) Agreeing to the marriage of Gride and Kate.
(d) Agreeing to the marriage of Madeline and Gride.

10. In his attic room, what does Squeers consider to himself?
(a) The horrible things he has done.
(b) The manipulations of Ralph Nickleby that brought him there.
(c) The poor choices he has made.
(d) The decisions he has made.

11. Back in Portsmouth, the Crummles Company has gathered for what?
(a) A performance.
(b) A meal.
(c) A meeting.
(d) A party.

12. While passing a theatre on the way, what does Nicholas notice about it?
(a) That his name is on the sign.
(b) It is performing his play.
(c) It is playing host to the Crummles Acting Company.
(d) It has closed.

13. Ralph orders Noggs to get a coach to take them to the Strand, which Noggs realizes will take Ralph where?
(a) To the home of Nickleby and Kate.
(b) To Hawk.
(c) To John.
(d) To Nicholas.

14. In Hawk's apartments, Pluck and Pyke inform him of what?
(a) Rumors of the encounter at the coffee house are all over London.
(b) Nicholas is marrying Madeline.
(c) Rumors that Nicholas is hunting for Hawk.
(d) Nicholas' determination to kill Ralph.

15. As the rest of the company leaves, what does Nicholas confess to Smike?
(a) He is anxious about Kate.
(b) He hopes Kate is happy.
(c) He loves being an actor.
(d) He enjoys his job.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Nicholas see as Mr. Charles introduces him to their clerk, Tim?

2. How is London described?

3. Describe Bray.

4. Where are Nicholas and Kate headed?

5. With whom does Nicholas meet at the tavern?

(see the answer keys)

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