Next Year in Havana Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Chanel Cleeton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Next Year in Havana Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Chanel Cleeton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part III (Chapters 12 - 17).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Marisol so close to her grandmother Elisa?
(a) Elisa took Marisol in after her parents were killed in a car accident.
(b) Elisa and Marisol are the only surviving members of their family left.
(c) Elisa mostly raised Marisol after her parents divorced.
(d) Elisa taught Marisol how to write.

2. In Chapter 15, why had Batista closed the universities in 1956?
(a) He thought they were too expensive.
(b) He had never liked professors.
(c) He was afraid of the radical ideas coming out of them.
(d) He wanted to re-write the curriculum for history.

3. How old is Pablo when Elisa meets him in Chapter 4?
(a) 40.
(b) 30.
(c) 25.
(d) 20.

4. In Chapter 7, where does Pablo tell Elisa he has been with Fidel Castro?
(a) The Moncada Barracks.
(b) The French Alps.
(c) The Malecon.
(d) The Camino Roja.

5. Who does Ana tell Marisol now has the big box of items her great-grandfather had buried in their backyard in Miramar?
(a) Maria.
(b) Elisa.
(c) Isabel.
(d) Beatriz.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 11, what does Luis ask Marisol that makes her think he is interested in her?

2. Which restaurant does Elisa's parents like to go to frequently?

3. In Chapter 11, where does Luis insist Marisol must see the sun set?

4. What does Ana tell Marisol about the man Elisa had been involved with in her youth?

5. What does Pablo tell Elisa he likes about her at the end of Chapter 6?

(see the answer key)

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