News of a Kidnapping Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

News of a Kidnapping Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do the kidnappers take Maruja and Beatriz to a second hiding place?
(a) Maruja whispers too loudly that she knows where they may be.
(b) The police learn the kidnappers' escape route, so they must leave.
(c) To confuse the women further.
(d) Beatriz figures out their location when she looks out a bathroom window.

2. What are the two things that give Marina and Maruja consolation while imprisoned?
(a) Breakfast and cigarettes.
(b) Fresh air time and coffee.
(c) Coffee and cigarettes.
(d) Cigarettes and magazines.

3. What are the hostages given to wear while in hiding?
(a) A thin T-shirt and long pants.
(b) Sweat suits.
(c) One long sleeve shirt and long pants.
(d) Prisoner's overalls.

4. What is most surprising about Santos' kidnapping?
(a) It succeeds despite the number of cops at the scene.
(b) Everyone sees, but no one says a word due to fear.
(c) It is done in the middle of a busy street.
(d) It is done in the middle of his workplace.

5. Who does Villamizar call for help?
(a) Manuel Perez, a friend of Alberto's.
(b) César Gaviria, the President.
(c) Julio César, another hostage's family member.
(d) Alexandra, Maruja's daughter.

Short Answer Questions

1. From what does Marina suffer by the time Maruja and Beatriz meet her?

2. What is Manuel Perez famous for?

3. How many guards are there for Maruja, Beatriz, and the other woman held together in one room?

4. When are Maruja and Beatriz kidnapped?

5. What does Beatriz do to busy herself while being held hostage?

(see the answer key)

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