Never Let Me Go Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Never Let Me Go Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In chapter 14, what causes Rodney's group to run away from the office?
(a) A dog begins barking at them.
(b) One of the women waves to them.
(c) A child stops and stares at them.
(d) A cop tells them to move on.

2. In chapter 15, why does Kathy delay showing Tommy she has found the Judy Bridgewater tape?
(a) She wants to find a better copy.
(b) She wants to prolong the fun.
(c) She wants to allow him to find it.
(d) She wants to find something better.

3. What does Ruby ask the narrator forgiveness for in chapter 19?
(a) For lying about her feelings for Miss Geraldine.
(b) For forcing her out of the secret society.
(c) For placing a wedge between she and Tommy.
(d) For stealing Harry from her.

4. In chapter 16, how does the narrator make her intention to become a carer immediately known?
(a) She tells Keffers.
(b) She asks the guardians if she can start early.
(c) She tells Ruth.
(d) She asks Rodney for help.

5. In chapter 15, why does Tommy think he has blown his future by refusing to participate in art at Hailsham?
(a) They have nothing to help choose when he should become a carer.
(b) He has nothing they can use to determine if he should get a deferment.
(c) They have nothing to earn money for his care.
(d) They have nothing to determine if he should be a donor.

Short Answer Questions

1. In chapter 18, the narrator learns that Hailsham is to be turned into what?

2. In chapter 12, the narrator suggests that the clones believed they could learn what from meeting their possible?

3. After which of Tommy's donations did Kathy become his carer in chapter 20?

4. In chapter 15, what do Kathy and Tommy talk about?

5. What kind of drawings does the narrator find Tommy making in chapter 20?

Short Essay Questions

1. In chapter 18, how does Kathy become Ruth's carer? How does Ruth react to this?

2. What does Kathy decide not to tell Ruth at the end of chapter 15?

3. In chapter 21, who are Kathy and Tommy shocked to discover Madame is living with?

4. In chapter 18, how does Kathy learn that Ruth has begun her donations?

5. In chapter 13, Rodney and Chrissie ask Ruth, Tommy, and Kathy about what type of deferment?

6. In chapter 16, Ruth becomes annoyed with Kathy and forces her to say that she thinks Tommy's drawings are childish, something Ruth later tells Tommy. What causes this change in Ruth's feelings toward Kathy and Tommy?

7. In chapter 12, why do Rodney and Chrissie invite Ruth to go on a trip to Norfolk with them? Who else will be going?

8. In chapter 12, what fantasy does Ruth develop after learning where her possible works?

9. In chapter 17, what changes does Kathy note about the Cottages after her rift with Ruth and Tommy?

10. How does Ruth react to the sight of her possible? How does she, and the others, come to believe this woman could not be her possible?

(see the answer keys)

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