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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is Roy's reaction after he finally reads Iris's letter?
(a) He leaves Memo and returns to Iris.
(b) He shows it to The Judge for advice.
(c) He shows it to Memo and laughs at Iris.
(d) He wads it up and throws it against the wall.
2. After Roy gets sick, what does he dream about?
(a) Striking out in the pennant game.
(b) Memo wiping his brow with a cool cloth.
(c) Eating dead birds.
(d) A train coming through his room.
3. Why is Roy so upset that most people bet on the Knights?
(a) Because he doesn't believe in gambling.
(b) Because he plans to throw the game.
(c) Because he doesn't believe they can win.
(d) Because he wants all the attention.
4. What flaw does Roy think Memo has?
(a) She runs away from him all the time.
(b) She is not the domestic type.
(c) She wants to have more than one man at a time.
(d) She is too fat.
5. How do the coaches and players deal with the teams slump?
(a) The coaches yell at the players to try and get them to play better.
(b) They ignore the causes of their distress and try to fix the symptoms.
(c) The coaches work with the players to get them playing better.
(d) They do some locker room cheers to get in a better mood.
6. Why does Roy decide Iris Lemon is not the girl he wants?
(a) He can't quit thinking about Memo, so decides she is the one.
(b) She is a grandmother and he is not ready to be a grandfather.
(c) Pop encourages him to give her up and choose Memo.
(d) She is fat and he likes thin girls like Memo.
7. What does Roy hope to gain by becoming a superhero, the best ball player ever?
(a) Money and love, specifically Memo.
(b) A good retirement.
(c) The respect of Pop.
(d) A lifetime career in baseball.
8. Why can Memo not be the woman Roy needs?
(a) Pop forbids them to be together.
(b) She is engaged to Bump.
(c) She is too absorbed in her own wants and desires.
(d) Roy doesn't love her.
9. How does Roy react to the children among the fans?
(a) He signs autographs for them.
(b) He gives them special attention.
(c) He ignores them.
(d) He encourages them to be heroes.
10. What does Roy do about the bribe he is offered to throw the game?
(a) He tells Memo and lets her know he is above that.
(b) He reports The Judge to the FBI.
(c) He accepts the bribe and bets on the game.
(d) He accepts but later changes his mind.
11. What happens to Roy at the party on the night before the game that determines the winner of the pennant?
(a) He sees Pop at the party and gets into trouble for being up late.
(b) He meets a new girlfriend.
(c) He eats until he gets sick and is sent to the hospital.
(d) He leaves early because he needs rest before the game.
12. What advice does Red Blow, the trainer, give Roy when he is in his bad slump?
(a) To consider what might be on his mind that is worrying him.
(b) To get married to Memo and quit trying to impress her.
(c) To forget Memo and drop her.
(d) To keep his fans in mind and try to please them.
13. What does Roy tell Memo about his mother?
(a) He said that she was the perfect mother and that he loved her very much.
(b) He said that she died when he was a small toddler.
(c) He said that she was a "whore" who spoiled his father's life.
(d) He said that she ran away when he was a teen and he was angry with her.
14. Who is the only person that Roy thinks really cares about him?
(a) The brunette in the red dress that stands in the bleachers.
(b) His first coach and trainer.
(c) His family who his hasn't seen in several years.
(d) Memo.
15. What happens after Roy makes an important decision during the last inning of the pennant game?
(a) He sees Gus and Memo together in the stands.
(b) He asks Pop if he will give permission for him to marry Memo.
(c) He strikes out.
(d) He sees Iris in the stands and waves.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Roy wish for when the team gets into a major slump?
2. What does Roy do to get even with Max Mercy?
3. What does Iris tell Roy he must do to be a true hero?
4. What is the name of the lady in the red dress?
5. What does Gus suggest in Memo's motel room that makes Roy so angry?
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