Naples '44 Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Norman Lewis (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Naples '44 Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Norman Lewis (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through June.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After taking his informant to dinner, Lewis is asked to visit the bones of St. Andrew to collect a rumored miracle fluid; how much does the informant pay for this privilege?
(a) 800 lire.
(b) 200 lire.
(c) 150 lire.
(d) 50 lire.

2. The corrupt police chief says at the end of "December 1943" that he has to prevent a blood feud; what item do local families use to represent blood feuds?
(a) Shirt.
(b) Sword.
(c) Hat.
(d) Coat of Arms.

3. In his February 28, 1944 entry Lewis says that spring seems to have arrived, and that a young boy is selling a collection of 25 ballads at what price?
(a) 20 lire.
(b) 15 lire.
(c) 5 lire.
(d) 10 lire.

4. What does Lewis find when he follows the Italian Father Christmas into his cottage in Capaccio?
(a) Ambush.
(b) Moldy food.
(c) Drugs and contraband.
(d) Dead German.

5. As "December 1943" opens, what does Lewis say is the really unpleasant part of his job?
(a) Gunfire.
(b) Arrests.
(c) Compensation.
(d) Paperwork.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Mt. Vesuvius erupts Lewis visits a local seismologist, Professor Saraceno, for information about the event. With what does Lewis pay the man for his advice?

2. On which of the following dates are Lewis and other men attacked via plane while exploring the Temple of Neptune?

3. On his sight-seeing trip into Capaccio, which of the following flowers does Lewis mention along the street that looks almost English?

4. After discussing Latarullo's home furnishings and souvenirs, Lewis remarks that his friend reads how many newspapers per day?

5. When discussing the continued success of the black market Lewis says the Psychological Warfare Bureau estimates what percentage of Neapolitan income derives from stolen Allied goods?

(see the answer key)

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