Mother Courage and Her Children Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mother Courage and Her Children Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What body part is one of the peasants missing after their farm is attacked?
(a) A foot.
(b) An arm.
(c) Some fingers.
(d) A leg.

2. What does the sergeant claim is hypocritical of Mother Courage?
(a) She is afraid of war.
(b) She is mean.
(c) She doesn't care about her children.
(d) She is a bad businesswoman.

3. Mother Courage observes that there is no ______ in being seated.
(a) Glory.
(b) Dignity.
(c) Shame.
(d) Revolt.

4. What does the clerk know about Mother Courage?
(a) She is a good businesswoman.
(b) She is a legend.
(c) She betrayed her children.
(d) She was hiding Swiss Cheese.

5. What does Mother Courage rub on Kattrin's face to hide her beauty?
(a) Mud.
(b) Ashes.
(c) Food.
(d) Paint.

6. What effect has Mother Courage had on the young soldier by the end of the scene?
(a) She has motivated him more.
(b) She has converted him to Christianity.
(c) She has had no effect.
(d) She has calmed him.

7. What are the peasants Eilif attacks doing with their food?
(a) Selling it.
(b) Hiding it.
(c) Throwing it away.
(d) They have none.

8. Why does the first soldier want brandy?
(a) Because it's free.
(b) Because he's an alcoholic.
(c) Because he missed the plunder.
(d) Because he's bored.

9. Why does Kattrin run into the peasants' dilapidated house?
(a) There's a baby inside.
(b) She has a death wish.
(c) Her mother's supplies are inside.
(d) Mother Courage told her to.

10. Why won't Swiss Cheese steal the money from the pay box?
(a) There isn't any money.
(b) It is locked.
(c) His mother told him not to.
(d) He is too honest and simple.

11. Why does Mother Courage sing "The Song of Great Capitulation"?
(a) To calm the soldier.
(b) To pass the time.
(c) To get money.
(d) To tell a story.

12. Where does Scene 5 take place?
(a) Tunisia.
(b) Italy.
(c) Germany.
(d) Bavaria.

13. Why does Eilif sing "The Song of the Wise Woman and the Soldier"?
(a) Because it's about him.
(b) Because his mother taught him.
(c) To pass the time.
(d) Because it is the commander's favorite.

14. When Mother Courage sees Kattrin with the board, she calls her a ________.
(a) Angel.
(b) Genius.
(c) Idiot.
(d) Lunatic.

15. What does Mother Courage decide to do at the end of the scene?
(a) Join the army.
(b) Not complain.
(c) Complain to someone else.
(d) Defend the young soldier's complaint.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Eilif want from Mother Courage when he sends her a message?

2. What does Mother Courage compare the officers taking her son into the army to?

3. What does the chaplain call Kattrin?

4. What animal whispers in "The Song of Great Capitulation"?

5. Why does the older soldier tell the young soldier to be quiet?

(see the answer keys)

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