Moonraker Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moonraker Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who previously used the room Bond is using in Drax's house?
(a) Willy Krebs.
(b) Professor Train.
(c) Major Tallon.
(d) Egon Bartsh.

2. Although Bond agrees to go where Drax assigns him and Gala Brand, where does Bond actually go?
(a) To Drax's house.
(b) To the security headquarters.
(c) To inspect the launch pad.
(d) To check the beach beneath the cliff under the rocket.

3. What is Gala Brand's reaction when she realizes that the warhead on Moonraker is an atomic bomb?
(a) She faints.
(b) She cries.
(c) She formulates a plan to escape.
(d) She has a panic attack.

4. What does Gala Brand realize she needs to do when she discovers Moonraker's target is the center of London?
(a) Kill Drax.
(b) Call London.
(c) Sabotage Moonraker.
(d) Escape from Drax.

5. To whom has Drax never seen Krebs speak?
(a) The German men.
(b) Gala Brand.
(c) Bond.
(d) Law enforcement officials.

6. Why was Major Tallon murdered?
(a) He became suspicious of Drax's plan.
(b) He wanted to leave Drax's employ at Moonraker.
(c) He was caught attempting to sabotage Moonraker.
(d) He threatened to tell the authorities.

7. After M and Vallance tell Bond they can't stop the Moonraker launch, who do they say needs to take care of the situation?
(a) The military.
(b) Gala Brand.
(c) The Prime Minister.
(d) Bond.

8. Where do Bond and Gala Brand hide as they wait to implement Brand's plan for Moonraker?
(a) A shower in the adjoining bathroom.
(b) A ventilation shaft.
(c) Beneath the cliff under Moonraker.
(d) A closet in Drax's office.

9. When Bond sees Drax's car at Blades after he speaks to Vallance, what does he do?
(a) Goes into Blades to confront Drax.
(b) Follows the car to a house near Buckingham Palace.
(c) Calls the local police.
(d) Installs a homing device on Drax's car.

10. Who does Bond think may have heard Tallon when Tallon opened the window in his bedroom?
(a) Krebs.
(b) Drax.
(c) Egon Bartsh.
(d) Dr. Walter.

11. After hearing a crash, what makes Drax think that Bond has crashed his car on the way to the Moonraker facility?
(a) Drax sees a burst of flames.
(b) Drax no longer sees Bond's car in his mirror.
(c) Bond's headlights go up in the air, then out.
(d) Drax sees Bond's car flip over.

12. What does Bond see Krebs carry into Drax's car?
(a) A remote control device.
(b) Two suitcases.
(c) A carpet.
(d) A bedspread.

13. Where is Drax planning to send Krebs according to Gala Brand?
(a) Germany.
(b) Ireland.
(c) London.
(d) Tangiers.

14. What does Bond use to release Gala Brand's bindings as they are tied to chairs in Drax's office?
(a) A knife.
(b) A bunsen burner.
(c) A blowtorch.
(d) A cigarette lighter.

15. Why doesn't Bond accept the award offered by the Prime Minister?
(a) He wants Brand to have it instead.
(b) He is out of the country.
(c) The Secret Service doesn't accept public awards.
(d) He wants a donation made to a charity instead.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Drax brag about right before telling Bond and Gala Brand his life story?

2. How does Drax react when he hears the Prime Minister speak heroically about Moonraker on the radio?

3. What does Bond take from the person he finds searching his room?

4. To whom does the person searching Bond's room say he or she will answer?

5. Where do Drax and Krebs put Bond after his car accident?

(see the answer keys)

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