Moby-Dick Test | Final Test - Easy

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Moby-Dick Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the crew on the ship see Stubb's and Flask's boats coming fast toward them?
(a) they are caught in a rip tide.
(b) they are being pulled by a harpooned whale.
(c) they are running from Moby Dick.
(d) they are being chased by pirates.

2. What is the carpenter doing when Ahab ascends to deck the next morning?
(a) repairing holes in the deck.
(b) turning the coffin into a life buoy.
(c) making a table for the captain.
(d) carving Ahab's new ivory leg.

3. To what complaint does Ahab admit?
(a) the fear of losing both legs.
(b) phantom pain from his missing leg.
(c) never being able to sleep.
(d) mental instability at times.

4. What foreshadows what is likely to happen to Ahab and Fedallah?
(a) a story Ahab remembers about Moby Dick.
(b) a dream Fedallah has while on Ahab's boat.
(c) a story Fedallah tells while on Ahab's boat.
(d) a dream Ahab has while waiting out the night.

5. Where does Ishmael say the brain of the sperm whale lies?
(a) in its hump.
(b) near the front of the head.
(c) far back from the forehead.
(d) directly between the eyes.

6. How does Ahab become more irritated as the Pequod sails in the Pacific Ocean?
(a) he believes the crew are not watchful enough.
(b) he begins having strange dreams about Moby Dick.
(c) he knows Moby Dick is swimming in the same ocean.
(d) he thinks Moby Dick has returned to the Indian ocean.

7. What does Fedallah say about his own death?
(a) he will die before Ahab.
(b) he will die of old age.
(c) he will die of fright.
(d) he will die on land.

8. What happens on this first encounter with Moby Dick?
(a) one of the boats is destroyed.
(b) Ahab finds his hat floating on the ocean.
(c) Moby Dick is harpooned but gets away.
(d) Ahab's peg leg is broken off and Fedallah is missing.

9. What is Ahab thinking about as he looks out to sea?
(a) vacationing in Italy.
(b) home, family, and growing older.
(c) whether whales have families.
(d) the fall in Nantucket.

10. How is Starbuck a singular character on board the Pequod at this point?
(a) he is the only one the crew hates.
(b) he is the only one openly opposed to Ahab.
(c) he is the only one sure that Moby Dick is nearby.
(d) he is the only one supporting Ahab.

11. How is Ahab's mental condition best described by this point?
(a) finally sane.
(b) much more optimistic.
(c) cheerful with expectation.
(d) truly morbid.

12. What is the next whaling ship the Pequod meets during the search for Moby Dick?
(a) The Nantucket.
(b) The Barbara Ellen.
(c) The Delight.
(d) The Bounty.

13. What happens to the harpoon especially made for Moby Dick?
(a) it catches on fire in ahab's boat.
(b) it smashes into the captain's cabin.
(c) it is tossed overboard during the storm.
(d) it is lost when Ahab's boat breaks apart.

14. What is the ship's carpenter assigned to do?
(a) repair all the boats to encounter Moby Dick.
(b) erect a tent so Ahab can stay on deck.
(c) build a chair for Ahab on deck.
(d) carve a new ivory peg leg for Ahab.

15. What does Ahab contemplate concerning the man who carves his peg leg and builds coffins?
(a) the versatility of sailors.
(b) the time they have been away from Nantucket.
(c) the unimportance of carpenters on a ship.
(d) the idea of life and death.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what does Ishmael attribute the Sag Harbor man's disbelief in the story of Jonah?

2. What is the news from The Rachel as it nears the Pequod?

3. What happens to the mast of the Pequod during a typhoon?

4. What happens to Queequeg while he helps locate the oil leak?

5. What does the dream predict can kill Ahab?

(see the answer keys)

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