Miramar Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miramar Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the boarders is a 30-year-old peasant?
(a) Mansour.
(b) Sarhan.
(c) Hosny.
(d) None of them.

2. What do Amer and Mariana compare?
(a) The way the house used to be compared to now.
(b) Their complaints about aging.
(c) The cost of living from when they were younger to now.
(d) The number and success of their grandchildren.

3. What does Hosny do as he speeds through the city?
(a) Runs from the police.
(b) Stops and visits his regular madames.
(c) Swears at Sarhan.
(d) Screams out his frustrations.

4. Who does Hosny go and have sex with after failing to embrace Zohra in the hall?
(a) An aging Maltese madame.
(b) No one.
(c) A woman he meets at the movies.
(d) His ex-wife.

5. From whom does Zohra turn down a marriage proposal.
(a) Hosny.
(b) Tolba.
(c) Sarhan.
(d) Mahmoud.

6. Where does Hosny pick up a girl?
(a) Metro Einema.
(b) The Trianon.
(c) The Cecil Hotel.
(d) The Corniche.

7. What do all of the three younger boarders declare?
(a) Support for the regime currently in power.
(b) They were moving to the United States.
(c) Support for the Revolution.
(d) They will not fight for any regime.

8. What does Zohra think about Tolba's request for a massage.
(a) That he thinks she will work for free.
(b) That he has coarser intentions.
(c) That the request was in poor taste.
(d) She is indifferent.

9. Who does Hosny meet that he thinks would be worth marrying?
(a) Zohra's tutor.
(b) No one.
(c) Sarhan's sister.
(d) Zohra's sister.

10. What does Sarhan relate?
(a) Endless jokes.
(b) A story about his brother and a prostitute.
(c) A series of gossip items about a woman who used to work at the Miramar.
(d) A story about the mayor of Sarhan's birth city.

11. What helps the group gathering?
(a) Zohra serving limeade.
(b) Mariana serving snacks.
(c) Whiskey.
(d) Sarhan telling a funny joke.

12. Why does Hosny move to the Miramar?
(a) His brother lives there.
(b) He is bored at the Cecil Hotel.
(c) He knows Amer.
(d) He knows Tolba.

13. Who has a monthly radio concert?
(a) Sarhan al-Beheiry.
(b) Umm Kuthum.
(c) Hosny Allam.
(d) Mansour Bahy.

14. About what does Amer warn Zohra?
(a) Sarhan's intentions.
(b) Tolba's mistrust of her.
(c) The regular checks by the city police.
(d) Mansour's intentions.

15. What does Wagdi recall?
(a) The death of his wife.
(b) The time his mother sat up with him all night and talked.
(c) All the things he should have recorded in memoirs concerning his late master.
(d) The birth of his son.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hosny decide about Zohra?

2. What is Hosny doing when Amer checks on noise in the hall?

3. About what does Amer ramble?

4. Which boarder is built like a wrestler?

5. Which boarder is an announcer for Alexandria Broadcasting Service?

(see the answer keys)

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