Milkweed: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Milkweed: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when Misha tries to ride the horses for the first time?
(a) He gets kicked off.
(b) He never rides the horses.
(c) He rides all night long.
(d) He is welcomed by the children.

2. What do the Jackboots' shoes look like?
(a) Short and brown.
(b) Tall and black.
(c) Tall and white.
(d) Tall and brown.

3. What does Uri tell Misha he believes in?
(a) Bread.
(b) Ghosts.
(c) Mercy.
(d) God.

4. What kind of jewelry does the narrator wear?
(a) A yellow stone necklace.
(b) A black comb.
(c) A blue sock.
(d) A diamond ring.

5. What happens when the narrator runs into another boy stealing food on the street?
(a) They recognize each other.
(b) They laugh with each other.
(c) They fight each other.
(d) They fight and then laugh with each other.

6. Where does Uri take the narrator to sleep?
(a) An alleyway.
(b) A grocery store.
(c) A barbershop.
(d) A bakery.

7. What do angels do according to the boys?
(a) Live in Hell.
(b) Help people in need.
(c) Make people's lives worse.
(d) Live in Heaven.

8. What name does Uri give the narrator?
(a) Mike.
(b) Olek.
(c) Ferdi.
(d) Misha.

9. What does Misha do on the night he makes a discovery about the wall?
(a) He does nothing.
(b) He tells everyone in the ghetto.
(c) He only tells the boys.
(d) He goes back and crawls through the hole.

10. Who does Misha spot in the parade to the ghetto?
(a) Uri.
(b) A woman he stole from.
(c) The baker.
(d) Doctor Korczak.

11. What is the boy running by the train carrying?
(a) A sack of food.
(b) A tea set.
(c) A gun.
(d) A lamp in the shape of a woman.

12. What kind of food does Misha steal from one family's dinner table?
(a) A salad.
(b) A cake.
(c) A turkey.
(d) A ham.

13. What does the person living in Janina's house pour on Misha's head?
(a) Water.
(b) Beer.
(c) Juice.
(d) Tea.

14. What does Uri tell Misha he will get him in the morning during his first night in the barbershop?
(a) A cat.
(b) A mattress.
(c) A coat.
(d) A snack.

15. What does Uri do after the shop blows up in front of the train?
(a) Uri stays where he is sitting.
(b) Uri takes over the driver's seat.
(c) Uri jumps off the train.
(d) Uri pushes the narrator off the train.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where are Janina's parents when Misha goes to the ghetto?

2. What do the men in the black coats do on the street?

3. What does the narrator say his name is?

4. Where does Misha begin leaving a loaf of bread every day?

5. Who does Misha share his first bit of stolen food in the ghetto with?

(see the answer keys)

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