Milkman Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Anna Burns
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Milkman Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Anna Burns
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 5 and 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which "shiny" member of tablets girl's family does she poison, permanently affecting her victim's "health and eyesight" (217)?
(a) Her sister.
(b) Her cousin.
(c) Her aunt.
(d) Her mother.

2. With whom does middle sister nearly collide when she stands up in the ten-minute area after picking up the head of an animal?
(a) The milkman.
(b) Maybe-boyfriend.
(c) Real milkman.
(d) First brother-in-law.

3. Middle sister describes a night when all "but two" (94) of which animals in her neighborhood had been slaughtered by soldiers?
(a) Hogs.
(b) Chickens.
(c) Cats.
(d) Dogs.

4. Which of French teacher's actions continually perplexes her students?
(a) Her tendency to shout.
(b) Her tendency to sigh.
(c) Her tendency to fall asleep.
(d) Her tendency to laugh.

5. What is true of every family member in longest friend's family?
(a) They are members of the defenders-of-the-state.
(b) They are all in hiding.
(c) They are deceased.
(d) They are members of the renouncers-of-the-state.

Short Answer Questions

1. Into what substance does tablets girl dose her victims with poison?

2. Tablets girl poisons middle sister just after which character has departed from the table to use the restroom at the bar?

3. What element of maybe-boyfriend's body does middle sister describe as having been "the best, the most, the absolute of lovely" (167) before the milkman ruined her perspective?

4. How many little girls comprise the group referred to as "wee sisters" (84)?

5. Which aspect of maybe-boyfriend's latest method of communicating with middle sister in Chapter 6 causes her to recoil?

(see the answer key)

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