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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is Kamek's, a fellow Aryan resistor, job in Part 4, Chapter 23?
2. How many rooms are in the bunker below Mila 18?
3. After Funk turns the task of final liquidation over to Von Epp and Dr. Koenig, who is the first person with whom Koenig meets?
4. What is the second group Funk sends in to the ghetto in Part 4, Chapter 14?
5. How many trucks does Anna Grinspan manage to commandeer in Part 4?
Short Essay Questions
1. How do the German's gain access to Mila 18, and how does Simon help others escape?
2. Describe the situation in the Mila 18 bunker by April of 1943.
3. What does Von Epp admit to Chris in Part 3, Chapter 13?
4. Describe the burial of the journals at the beginning of Part 4.
5. How is Stephan Bronski saved?
6. How does Von Epp give Chris in their final meeting in Part 3?
7. What other successful Jewish operations are described in Part 4, Chapter 7?
8. How do Von Epp and Funk view the war and its outcome differently in Part 4?
9. What is Funk's plan for eradicating the Jews, as described in Part 4, Chapter 11, and how does Von Epp react to the plan?
10. Describe what Chris reads about in Andrei's report on the work camps.
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Determine the genre and sub-genre, if applicable, of Mila 18, supporting your choice with evidence from the text.
Essay Topic 2
Trust is a major theme in Mila 18. Where is it seen, and how does it help drive the plot? Which characters are portrayed as trustworthy, and which are not?
Essay Topic 3
The women of Mila 18 are varied in personality and position, but also have some qualities in common. Compare and contrast any two of the following women:
• Deborah Bronski
• Ana Grinspan
• Gabriela Rak
• Rachel Bronski
This section contains 961 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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