Midwives Test | Final Test - Easy

Chris Bohjalian
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Midwives Test | Final Test - Easy

Chris Bohjalian
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What alternative possibility did Hastings offer Sibyl in Chapter 12?
(a) Settlement.
(b) A monetary fine.
(c) A plea-bargain.
(d) Fleeing the country.

2. When Sibyl is arrested, what misdemeanor charge is brought against her?
(a) Negligence.
(b) Practicing medicine without a license.
(c) Dispensing pharmaceuticals without a license.
(d) Purjury.

3. How did Connie enter the house on the night she came home late in Chapter 17?
(a) Through her bedroom window.
(b) The back door.
(c) Through the window of her mother's office.
(d) The front door.

4. What did Anne's testimony cause the jury to do?
(a) Dismiss the case.
(b) Forget that Charlotte had a family.
(c) Weep openly.
(d) See Charlotte as a real person.

5. Who joined Connie for lunch on the opening day of the trial?
(a) Her best friend.
(b) Tom.
(c) Foogie.
(d) Hastings.

6. What date was referenced in Sibyl's notebook that caused Connie to read further?
(a) August 23.
(b) March 15.
(c) The day Sibyl met Hastings.
(d) Connie's birthday.

7. What did the female past-patient that Tanner put on the stand say in her testimony?
(a) She had fired Sibyl.
(b) She had her baby C-section in the hospital.
(c) Sibyl had prescribed the wrong medicine.
(d) Sibyl had forced her to push too long.

8. What did Tanner say Sibyl should have done before there was a medical emergency?
(a) Give Charlotte medication.
(b) Bring the doctor to the delivery.
(c) Call an ambulance.
(d) Send Asa for the doctor.

9. Who was given the first chance to speak in Sibyl's trial?
(a) Stephen Hastings.
(b) Sibyl Danforth.
(c) Asa Bedford.
(d) Bill Tanner.

10. How does the Danforth family react to the release of the autopsy report?
(a) They considered running away.
(b) Their hopes dropped.
(c) They became more confident.
(d) They were thrilled.

11. What did Tanner say Sibyl forced Charlotte to do?
(a) Take the wrong medication.
(b) Hire her.
(c) Push too long.
(d) Send Asa from the room.

12. Who did the Danforths learn would be attending the trial in support of Sibyl?
(a) Anne.
(b) Connie's classmates.
(c) Many of her clients and their infants.
(d) Charlotte's parents.

13. What did the male past-patient that Tanner put on the stand say in his testimony?
(a) Sibyl had misled him and his wife about the safety of home birth.
(b) Sibyl had made his wife push too long.
(c) Sibyl was honest about the safety of home birth.
(d) Sibyl had not treated his wife's anemia.

14. When did Hastings' opening remarks begin?
(a) Before Tanner's.
(b) On the second day of the trial.
(c) After lunch.
(d) Late evening.

15. During what month did the Danforth's wait to learn what the charges against Sibyl would be?
(a) July.
(b) August.
(c) April.
(d) May.

Short Answer Questions

1. Stephen Hastings brought in experts on what two things before Sibyl had been charged?

2. What did Tanner say about home births in his opening remarks?

3. What did Hastings say Anne failed to do?

4. What did Connie see on her mother's desk after returning home late one night?

5. What did Sibyl try to do after delivering Charlotte's baby?

(see the answer keys)

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