Middlemarch Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Middlemarch Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Dorothea returns to Lowick, who pays her a visit?
(a) Lydgate.
(b) Mr. Brooke.
(c) Ladislaw.
(d) Celia.

2. What does Rosamond want Lydgate to do about their debt?
(a) Ask Mr. Vincy for money.
(b) Sell the house.
(c) Sell his practice.
(d) Get another job.

3. Who tries to blackmail Bulstrode?
(a) Mr. Brooke.
(b) Mr. Vincy.
(c) Lydgate.
(d) Raffles.

4. When Dorothea goes out to find Casaubon, he is
(a) In the garden, sleeping.
(b) Visiting Mr. Brooke.
(c) On a bench, dead.
(d) Out riding.

5. What do the ladies of Middlemarch say about Rosamond?
(a) Her expectations are reasonable, and Lydgate should work harder to meet them.
(b) She is a spoiled brat.
(c) She should get a job if she wants nice things.
(d) She is trying to maintain a lifestyle her husband cannot support.

6. Why does Ladislaw refuse the money offered to him by Bulstrode?
(a) Bulstrode threatens Ladislaw with what will happen if he does not repay the debt.
(b) Ladislaw does not need it because of his recent inheritance.
(c) It is a loan that Ladislaw will not be able to repay.
(d) Bulstrode cannot say he came by it honestly.

7. With whom does Dorothea collaborate to improve life for poor farmers?
(a) Bulstrode.
(b) Lydgate.
(c) Caleb Garth.
(d) Farebrother.

8. Who buys Stone Court from Rigg?
(a) Farebrother.
(b) Bulstrode.
(c) Will Ladislaw.
(d) Mr. Vincy.

9. What does Lydgate prescribe for Raffles' treatment?
(a) Quinine.
(b) Opium.
(c) Iodine.
(d) Brandy.

10. What has changed for Celia by the time of Casaubon's death?
(a) She is widowed.
(b) She is divorced.
(c) She has had a baby.
(d) She is in poor health.

11. What condition affects Rosamond in Chapter 47?
(a) Leukemia.
(b) Obesity.
(c) Pregnancy.
(d) Cancer.

12. Who is called the grandson of a swindler by the townspeople?
(a) Fred Vincy.
(b) Lydgate.
(c) Bulstrode.
(d) Ladislaw.

13. Raffles tells Ladislaw that his mother left her family to become what?
(a) A writer.
(b) An artist.
(c) An actress.
(d) A student.

14. Who remains unsure about the extent of Lydgate's involvement in Raffles' death?
(a) Farebrother.
(b) Rosamond.
(c) Bulstrode.
(d) Dorothea.

15. In order to be with Ladislaw, Dorothea renounces her need for what?
(a) The need for approval from the residents of Middlemarch.
(b) Her inheritance from Casaubon.
(c) Performing charitable services at the hospital.
(d) Maintaining a friendship with Lydgate.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who tells Mrs. Bulstrode some of the details concerning the gossip about her husband?

2. What business made Bulstrode rich?

3. When Ladislaw's messenger arrives at Lowick, Dorothea is not there. Where is she?

4. Who assures Ladislaw that everything has been cleared with Dorothea?

5. What does Bulstrode ask Mr. Garth to do after Bulstrode leaves town?

(see the answer keys)

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